07958 five 26 381
old now unused but left for posterity
current sites
A story...of 7 years landloping in the Marches. This blogsite started around 2018 ... to record good stuff. But... DRAFT version. I will return to it summer 2023
07958 five 26 381
old now unused but left for posterity
current sites
except, once... the winter gone
all future anything, now in one permanent home
where someone kindof showed me.... to let go....all the way...especially 'bodily'... and i rather like my video channel there, that continues, from "THE BEGINNING"
And anyway, the complete lack of nuance, feeling, and one dimensionality in almost all online anything, only lead to jumping to silly childlike conclusions, as it seems our children have been brainwashed to do...I sought only grown up allies. And in almost the ultimate Dostoevskian nightmare scenario, it seems most of them are stuck in this false childlike sweet-talk, and that was never how to 'change' anything...
Is just a fancy word for 'end of era'.
In my case in a nice way. What a relief! No more causes... they were always - twenty years, a waste of time...even if one learns real life - the actual truth of people...trying
This identity (rural Ralph) is now finished - except i must one day write the stories. They are sort of interesting...
One version - the not poetical version i started here a few years ago.
IF THIS SITE IS LINKED TO MY NAME I MAY BE VIOLENTLY DUFFED UP(as it points finger at local landowners who know me). please do not..
and ditto - the end of era really 'began' when a truly standard solution i began to develop 2021 to the standard nightmare situation we have in my (former)region 5+years - all the Londoners bought all the houses so nothing left for locals or the youngsters
CLT! - they have been around decades - good new real affordable housing for the bottom 1/3
quite doable - so many 'people pleased' to my face "fine idea lets do it.." so i began to lobby, and hustle - a lot, then no one did a thing. Wasting yet another 6 mths of my life.... ohhwell, nowt as queer as folk - their funeral..
I began my end of era writing - on simple offgrid and super simple living here - but really it is about the PSYCHOLOGY of how to live well, on very little
I exist online ONLY here now (except small bit of work on my 2004-6 film project - the two totally separated)
And of many reasons to be 'feminist' one often overlooked is that WOMEN wrote many (i argue the majority) of the greatest books of literature the last 200 years...
I am compiling a website gradually (for my daughter and her generation ) of the BEST radically intelligent literature and also film which inspires REAL lifeforce.. real original thought!
but i would love help...ideas
spring 2019: UNDER CONSTRUCTION. temporary first draft to be
improved this summer 2019- as i relearn the niceties or otherwise of
autumn 2020: and then i got a bit busy having a rural summer
plus other glorious ridiculously happy rural stuff . so i didn't construct
An era really did end.
Ohh there is years in this
The complete and utter acedia of the church.
And i saw it through another so damn sweet and intelligent and she also would say " my ohhh my.... there i was at their door in the pouring rain of Newquay... monsoon! and they wouldn't let me in...involved in some cliquey in-group soul aggrandising meeting..."
And then 2020 my friends....as much as anyone ever is, friends of half a decade, i needed no ones help but did they actually assist anyone else in a region where yes there are many old lonely folk, unable to get to the shops...?
Nope...and i have it on audio chronicle. Many many a time over a decade....
They are frozen .. rabbits frozen in the oncoming train and actually do wreck 'community' by their fakery. Even f they may well be 'doing their best' their institution does need a bit of HELP...with lets actually hear some TRUTH... so you can get your 'house' in order...first
Which doesn't bother me, except far moreso in fact the 'new age' naval gazing - all over, everywhere, especially nicer rural areas, has meant that every single supposed eco minded 'concerned citizen' i have engaged with for years - often at great cost to myself - time wasted which i should have used to be earning or other things... ever single one so so so stuck in gazing at their naval - i.e. 'wellness' and inner soul'work'... that they don't have one that's any use to society and never ever ever did what they said they would just to maybe organise a little to protect local rivers.
Yep...all neurotic self affirmation.
But what is the self for if not to actually function a little functionally within the time immemorial need to balance and monitor opposing forces and powers and money which would indeed selfishly exploit people and environments...
Nope... there aint no hope.
Which i have a simply superb chronicle of chronicling reality... of people i have MET
#1 commandment
say what you mean
mean what you say
May has well have been sharing that with zombies or corpses the last 15 years...
And minus six tonight.
But how not to moan...no matter what don't moan. It just becomes tittle tattle for someone who doesn't actually care...
I hardly ever mention the true big horrid one.
I shall just once.
Not really,
and certainly not any Ivan Denisovich.
Meaning, what?
Funny old word.
And so overused of late.
Just being alive, and knowing full well that just keeping moving, will, always, boost that natural mojo machine.
The kairos.
Well, waiting for echoes to diminish.
There are always echoes to any sharp ending.
And thus sharp halts are always the wrong way, even if the hurry hurry types that took over the UK will even try and make money from you demanding they are right. Nope.... the wait til things naturally evolve into something different is always the way.
Funny thing is same applies to my new last name.
I have just discovered 'landloper'.
Which is perhaps the word long sought, and now it's too late.
Not that it is ever too late. Until it is.
But, schism. Why? Or what kind? as my life is always soft edged. Quiet gradual slides down the slope. Up to the top of the hill.
And now i know what kind.
And... do have great little clips and essays to log here soon, because due a certain person i have never been 'FREEer' to enjoy every moment... be maybe more fully 'aware', in every moment... knowing one just stays to plan A no matter what...
And have as a result had the very most enjoyable summer and autumn for many years - which for me means also in tandem trying to gather into essays some wise discoveries...always everything has a silver lining, always, even the headfuckiest of them....always.
various things will now only be written here on the 'home' page
and i may start to share this with publishers soon or maybe some real filmmakers if there are any left - because it is why... not 'why'? me - why an no one cooperate even in the countryside where for ...ever...people knew they must to make it viable..
And why do 'environmentalists' only lie - the rivers even in my very low intensity region are ruined...
they lie that they even DO anything (they dont... 3 months i have been ultra busy on 2 new projects... what a story! - the absolute cant and vanity and bullshit from the environmentally 'aware'.. all recorded...for posterity... )
end of era...about 20 years
a week ago - i NEED to be a narcissist and waffle into my camera as one day my lass may need to understand...i THINK she has a true sceptical and enquiring mind....
but ten times more important
one must have a place...an evocative place which
symbolises ...well..it all (WHICH MEANS I DO HAVE TO TELL THE STORIES - ALL...ONE DAY..)
and if it is placed such that even mid novemeber it
gets good sunshine...and everyone else has forgotten it even exists. that is
where you put your sunchair..
as i have... cos winter sunshine is ten times more
valuable than the summer
Not quite yet
Because even if i never am off duty - as that is what awaking with the birds, means - the birds as they tweet way before the dawn, remind "still alive, great sleep, plod on.....but enjoy 'it'.. whatever the it is... ohh i suppose i will start to upload ziggabytes of film from the last ten years...why not.... it was only ever to show one person....one day she may be interested in what really happened in the lands she was raised.... way aside from the bourgeois, at first..."
Now, I can write.
With tremendous LIFE FORCE and ...
Well, 'creativity' is a word far too easily used without having lived.
Live it...
which means get the fuck out of the way of your words, or perhaps songs, or perhaps pics...
And despite poor Little Mister Tolle really missing out the important bit which means he is a fraud...
Nope... Herman that greatest German knew....
You gotta spend a fuck of a long time staring into the river knowing for sure you should drown yourself as all the others are wretched runts, but they win.... and always will.
Only once you have known for sure there is no point in for even 'just for five minutes' living on and being made stronger by what may have killed you....
Had you forgot to bother not dying from it...
ONLY then.... are you free to make a fool of yourself in the journey into the creative zone and, be there just because you can.
As there is little other raison d'etre...
Oh yes tangent, raison d'etre: it may well be the highest form of actual writing, especially when it was in respect of those three....
It started with her, the first...
In that last ever slightly terrible part of a year ...eighteen...
I mean what man has endured that not even Lady Macbeth on steroids in could have been that wonky... lets just call the poor lamb wonky as she knew not
she didnt do but others used her, to
So be it, folk will be wonky
(even that one word there is a three year story of life and death by little green men, and an American woman who must of course push her nasty so called drugs for her inadequate life onto a lamb so pure, even i couldnt find constructive critique.. and killed her, for which America must never be forgiven, or at least the truth of it always remembered, and turned one day into a Rhyme even Coleridge couldn't outdo for smelly Albatrosses...)
Anyway as usual i digress, which is pretty good going when i sit in someone elses building with a plug and know i only have it for half an hour, so have to go into overdrive and not think about how i may or may not digress, for effect.
The point, I can write. I knew the most beautiful woman in the Kingdom once. As a teen. Her older than I just a tad.
Anyway long story about having to leave the country, then, thank god.... because i discovered what actual love was. A year in her gang - their gang.... and that one first night when, just her and i at that party me never quite the life and soul. And we spoke. She ...well i don't know what she did, but someone you have been fascinated by for a year and always on easiest terms, and then just like that - nothing saucy, just real person woman.... that night you realise all of a sudden out of the blue, in a dream or in a whirlwind it matters not, but you cannot ever again be in her vicinity, because.... she is with him. And he is great too....
But then - bought back together by Jeremy Yes Jezza the second coming of Christ knows what.....
because her and I - Ms Smith, yes so 'smith' you cannot possibly look them up - ultra commoner her....
Spend a year at odds - person to person via The Book....
'person to 'person'? i wrote that woman my life story especially the bit about that night - the last one i saw her...
And talk about getting blood from a mad stone... er... yes UK the land where even a 37 years senior NHS head chief nursey is sucha druggie she cannot be human any more....
hardly ever a word...
And then maybe nine months in, and the beautiful or one beautiful don't just 'laugh' smileything...
"you made me laugh writing that" i can tell you is Homer on The lotus juice ..squared, times infinity.
No one makes her 'laugh'... by an absurd nine months of her not picking up her phone, and maybe reading her messages, maybe not...unless
they can harness all the Muses who ever were extant, squared and whip them into flying you through the air in lead chariot they drag as theyre hunted by Cyclops imself.... on speed
No one ever ...by mere writing alone...made her... [near illiterate too]...laugh.
But then when that is not what one wanted, it is no boast...
And she was only the first.
Perhaps the ultimate getting out of the way of yourself as i believe comedic communication, is overrated...
I an write.
I can not be myself and still write.
But not yet..
And because this one is so important as there are just maybe a few folk one day i may be content if they have pondered what certain words are really for...
its just DRAFT
And for now very scrappy...
A not that middle class town, nevertheless i wonder when in September ...dogs started top need to wrap up
This is not rteally full on 'bourgeois' but is a start. The real meat and two veg of the bourgeois essay is about how it HURTS them so to lose their... 'standard' of ..'living'..what a curious phrase when it isn't living..its just bourgeois
One is alive, aside, of oneself, and certainly aside of all their expensive show off items....
And i was for a short period of great acedia - lost and lonely...a minor lost affluenza sufferer ... stuff mattered... well it did until you got it home and tried it on
is a phrase i thought that I had 'used up' a little while ago.
hahh hahhh....
[crap like that started all the rest of the crap, and crap]
But 'revenge' is an awful word for emotional and 'spiritual' eejits ...who never believed in themselves.
And that there is no knowing, anything, especially what next.
Especially when
You have her perhaps where she needs to be.... for her
Not me.
Universalism means whatever anyone may try
to think.
There is only one universal law
And it must be adhered to, no matter what they may think.
And as those fabulous Portuguese once said "for the English..to see..."
It isn't a compliment.
So, using ...herr... that isn't a typo, eleccy....
T's... tzzz time for a Tammy overloaD...
the way.. they... yes they are
certainly a 'them' hate it...when i write to them rationally and with true
zen and fucking up their arses 'spirituality' very early...
very early in the day...
cos days start at fuckin well
before Dawn
But then one cannot swear especially how it has become the default language of those even taking the tourist dollar ...loudly, and for 'effect', and thus.
Well one is stuck when there is no propriety
Well one knew that years ago.
Starting with herr...of course.
But it is the true very very 'aggressive', fuck em with their false spirituality - for cash.... that really really does hurt, them
they get a zenned answer to their nasty little foul
at well well
before dawn
But then she is nothing when even that Tam .. cannot get beyond her absurd little assumptions the other side of her Zoom screen...
Amish means amish...small a
And all fakes are Fakes, big f
But the true zen is to never ever for a millisecond whether or not they are a figment of the quantum fields so called universe, ezzz ...imaginary effect or neigh...
All that matters is even, now... to not wish one millisec to have been different is more than their awful little word, zen.. they preach without having one smallest understanding of what it may REALLY mean...
It means exactly this second, now.
And that slightly overused word, by me,
Not real...lly
Just got defined
In a way that My Man
Montaigne, will be so passive aggressive kleptomaniac narcissistic personality disordered up his wife's one whether or not he actually did bend her over his aga or not, or maybe it was hers... cos i know one thing that rewriting history as to just how poor and agaless all those historical babes were, does nothing for the actual today feminism of so called...woman.
English ones at least.
I think 'kairos' actually means something else
And we cannot say 'liminal' as that word was stolen, too
by every fraudstress who is trying to keep hold of the county funds.
when they should be used to keep peeps, alive
Which means "dont go waste your one good winter afternoon of decent weather listening to these pious creeps going on about death, assume nothing...i should be dead...but live better in every moment than anyone else i know...by far....
"And thank god - i mean really really thank the gods of kairos the real ones.... that Tammy said 'i think not'
"not that she can think....
" because whatever the words are and i can spend ten years hence pondering what they should be - the final draft...
"no one would believe, anyway.... that this life, especially that which started near three years ago
"can be so utterly glorious almost every day in fact the inglorious are now required
"and even can be a period of your so called, time...when not only does the treble Nobel deserving piece of actual glorious literature - the most glorious of all, and i know my lit, surface...
"but there we - errata, you..were: peakest little lockie number two, someone bored...time on their hands....
"[ to think you fat cunt ... you can slander me and enjoy besmirching every bit of me, all you wish from dawn every day, but.. she may well be in terms of skintone, your'n 'sister'.... and in this she is two years older than you.... to think due my fattist prejudice never mind any other as a younger man likely in fact sure as ferrits are 'fuzzies..'.... but most days now i take her with me ramblin...in fact fast marchin up even the steepest hills....yes i desrve to be thought a cunt what kind of cunt holds in the palms of his hands.. just her and i and another lonely drunk that night.... holds them .... THEM! .. she too drunk to not even notice that she needed em propped up - 'help'...as she crawls up on that little stage.... but matey, she was.... not quite as good that night as thirty years hence... makers your false smiley crap look the false fake che t-shirt crap it is.... she never moaned.... she just... is... the one and only real one... ever .... and to think once i held...] to think....
" to think...Tammy, never deserved her 'perch' cos... she couldn't not only keep it up, but understand that kairos is real... it may come along at any time, and say i an live for real at last now, free...every day...always... and "
as long as she didn't do anything arrestable...
but then I will never know.
And that is the point:, your society became so hall of mirrors two faced, and all the 'therapists' - the English ones for sure, so lost within their own utterly fake 'identity' for years now...
they cannot take a little reality:
"Theres NO MONEY left for you..."
But what a magnificent therapy phase - she even laughed today.
Not that she is anything to me - i know only those able to remember what straight talk is....are worth ever bothering with again.
And now at last i can get back to my may year tick over projects....that sure are, now, timely
The essays go up, soon...
this vid from the other day was meant to be in 'bourgeois part 1' but didnt get there..oh well I have all the time in the world, which s what true happiness is - i did my best... (even for her of late...hahh hahhh its 3 volumes of Proust to begin to describe it.... another day, or year..)
And now my real 'purpose' and pleasure can begin.
Someone threw a sentence at me in the summer "your word you use, bourgeois .."
well it isn't really a very nice word. But i am always loyal even to ghosts and for a few months have been pondering the simplest essay on what bourgeois really means. And i have it, to be rit soon...i think it is good.
And also my seven year in the can film on 'mindfulness' - what that ACTUALLY is - the why nature is good for you aspect. Time to share that one. It is wonderful. Not if nature - the 'nasty' bits, give you the creeps though.
Lets just say that we are about have a repeat. Seven years ago November was exceptionally warm. As a result rattus had an extra litter. They would normally have stopped screwing august /September. Cues from nature. But 2015 with the exceptionally warm November they got back at it. And my my a month later all hell broke loose...where i lived then, surrounded by ay acres of untended woodlands... as all the little youngster rattus emerged... for there not to be any grub for them left, December...
I have many recordings as to what happened next.
Hilarious, but so so REAL-'mindful'.... soon i shall at last share that. Being no point ever again bothering with ay 'cause'
Back to for now 'bourgeois' as my my how important the 'words' now are but then I knew that reading PROPER psychology, philosophy, and biology...for thirty years.....such as Martin's superb The Sickening Mind - badly titled as it's about ow the mind can demand we LIVE!!!!
In that recently superb new research seems to suggest that ALL our wank 'caring' jargon, talk, and the like in fact have killed people. That bossocracy - usually fat, in fact all along with their new words and paradigms of endlessly talking on radio 4chan about some or other initiative for the good of the Altzheimers 'sufferers' ..it all started about 20 years ago.. first 'dyslexia then all your ad haiches.... fat middle aged women desperate for their pensions so any old latest 'medical' this and that they fanatically parrot... cos that kept them in jobs, bless em....
Nope....sorry ladies (it almost all is that aint sexist pig) ... wrong.
Societies even ones close by like Sardinia where this talk - labels words about 'disease' that has been around forever, people LIVE LONGER.. actual physical processes can be observed by real scientists whereby the use of these medicalising negative words causes real physical negative effects... that cause people to die earlier. Period. And they aint medical thigs ether.
Anyway no one can listen so many vested interests, in misery... which in and of itself is bourgeois though more subtly.
Meanwhile i am the happiest bunny in the world in that for three months apart from fait accomplis...
i have started to make a whole load of more interesting little chunks of 'footage' about how in fact to ultra simplify and why it is good...which also means living extremely well on nearly nothing...
And this is the end phase in a few seemingly silly clips.... but i know what i am doing.
And the stories... the stories of real life discovering simpler ways...that's the super fun bit.
"what a great idea..... upstream polluters can at last be held to draconian account....even citizens can take judicial review against them...splendid.. "
a few months on tramping the whole region, no expenses no help:
" hey... twenty i have quizzed face to face, many in the past could be relied on to ego-battle, be weird, and then do nothing....except twist a knife in ones back they stuck there the moment i moved on ...
"But EVERY single one says fantastic idea, o downside and most say they will work in a small group each trying to establish one on their utterly fucked rivers, Lugg Arrow Teme, upper Wye....
" i have a seven years known superb younger man who will set up simplest webpage and whatsapple group so they...i have 3 in each spot...can all chatter but really just copy your great idea.... i wlll email you in a week with final details of them all... superb best eco project by far i have ever come across... and i tell them all it was only your scheme..."
But then...
As if the script for a dystopian novel about acedia, apathy. and worse....death... had come to pass, once again, writing itself. Not one single person of at east a dozen who adamantly were excited and bright eyed about HER fabulous idea... answered any text, email, or ....even remembered their pledge next time they were spied on a street...i mean very small streets with little distraction.
Which is an illness called 'people pleasing'. Or at the very least scatterbrainitis, and since i don't drink and also select people over many years to partner/ ally/collaborate with who appear to live fairly clean lives, and are well enough off they dont have to work a 90 hr week at the local chicken sheds.... so they should remember a meaningful conversation of at least 30 minutes with very good rhetoric....
It doesn't matter.. once again - this is only about the seventh such simple regional initiative...i have spearheaded or joint taken forward with someone MUCH nicer than me....
Where one discovers pure and simple utter pandemic of bullshit. Why your envoironment will remain fucked forever...
Though with me it is 'dual purpose' in that as every word is chronicled recorded.... diarised... what a splendid picture of the 'truth' of fake environmentalism...yet again
So, yet another five months, ending today, forever....wasted.
But i am the lucky one as i actually DID do 'my' best.... and this deserve a new life. Forget the old one - caring...for 20+ years...ever happened. Except for the memoir which will be such fun - in fact rather funny it is so surreal.
The chapters that do add to it - the aforementioned excepting one being 'civilians', though is when one makes an official call.
to the riverstrust.org asking for advice and thoughts. Leaving a message. And emailing...
It is quite astounding - have been here many times before....
despite their glitzy websites they simply never ever have the manners or humanity ever to reply or follow up ANYthing...and i live in a part of the uk that has more 'environment' than almost anywhere else.
ANyway concurrently - 6 weeks ago, we have this. Which said FIVE YEARS...millions of quid...spent on the super super vainglorious new 'Welsh' eco laws.... is being delayed/ torn up...
i have a recording.
10/10/22 - Pollution rules delayed, International Trade.
New rules aimed at reducing agricultural pollution in rivers in Wales
are being delayed by the Welsh Government for three months. The introduction of
an all-Wales nitrate vulnerable zone is opposed by farming unions and
opposition parties. Campaign group the Welsh Rivers Union, tell us the delay is
disappointing, and hope this is not a sign the policy is being pushed into the
long grass.
gone, but i will put up a recording soon.
So, overdrive "have you heard... the land upstream the Welsh gov admits is polluting rivers downstream... Labour have torn up - in REALITY.. the new law...it wont come in for months in fact will be pushed down river to after another election...and then will be dropped..."
"yes yes terrible.."
then not one word back "yes we should at least make sure media know about it ..."
And one calls
who boasted they existed on this program... they dont even have the manners to return a call...
Now one day, this last five months will be turned into Homeric poems, songs... even a proper essay and maybe surreal short story....
But the real problem is that no one gets any more, in Mister Bernahrds magnificent book Extinction... probably best book of the second half of the last century - i know as i read many..
It is NOT about 'extinction' it is also almost the opposite: it is so beautifully a living book about how we must holdup ALL our mess, hypocrisies, inadequacies, vanities, and incongruities, for GENUINE inspection - there must be no limit. TB wet all the way... we must hide behind no skirts or fancy castle walls. And there in is real LIFE. How to live....even if i can do better asi have been writing in a similar vein for 10 years and outlived him
But that is for another day. As free of ever bothering to DO anything ever again, now i can live among my diaries and chronicles and even travel away from here as i 'knew' the few who may have just been 'hope' - may have just done something....
heaven is knowing for sure, there never was any hope. And then writing a joke book about them. Anonymous....or maybe except for one. But even him...and her his aristo wifey...what's the point in yet another headline about criminal animal cruelty.... even if on rather a grand scale. And with some very beautiful sublime photos to accompany... i spent a lot of time on.
i get back to the grand finale....
ohh my...someone's mess was even messier than i thought... but then one day it will be a wonderful truly universal (and anonymous! ) story
that says all we need to know about the last 7 or 8 years of reality...
even here
(here being not, here, but there...not far away.... their temple - Hay..)
Talk about kairos!
what a lovely word and way of BEing it is...
i say to folk "all of Ecclesiastes 3 in one word" - frankly it isn't even important if that is intellectually true, but it works.
I am an all my life absolutely pacifist tough guy woodchopper sheep ranger... mountain walker.... and WALKAWAYIST...long learned why pacifism matters. And fuck off i write well about this elsewhere. Indeed have written something on Ukraine getting some traction... its about real peace... good for me.
BUT...i have one lament - daily.... even now as i have my lid open, one wonderful young 10 year old i see daily nattering with her mum walks by...homeschooled... i gave them a booklist a month ago: Ring of Bight Water, and all his others, Watership Down, My Family and Other Animals... all of the Herriots, the Swallows and Amazons... the Williamson Tarka and maybe others... and others.. and very little Barry Trotter.
And absolutely add in some brown girl books..... but only if they are lacking in self pity and very full of balanced beast stuff.
Thats starts you out well.... and then guess what by about 11 you are ready for ... THE HITCHIKER..all of them....and other splendid sedition...
But thats a foundation still, only, because later one i is about the meanadering almost 'funfair' books... Tolstoy's Resurrection - gently in a way up and down the rollercoaster of existence, ebbing and flowing... Stendhal the same....as are many other frogs espesh Balzac.... life is just a bit of a weird old anything can turn up on the seashore; but there can be years of bugger all except a rusty can.... and if she uses it to slit her wrists in front of you, or stab you in the eye... so be it, but hat is not a 'normal' mode..
Normal mode is the ebbing and flowing.. the odyssey sometimes requiring you to run, others sit and rest for months... its all a rather wonky hike (and only silly billies are infected with meaningless words like the nowadays eponymous 'journey')
That is what great books especially mister Marquez teach - or rather create within... that is the only thing i would pass on to anyone...
But it is silly to think that this swirling around the self of 'reality' - albeit in my own case i know how to keep completely aside their whirlwinds, always...
It is silly to think that out of the blue truly amazingly funny and heart warming things can 'turn up' ... or that she...
The girl from the song
Twenty years i have known her and her lethally sharp rusty tin can edge .... and her genius at hiding t under her hems...
It was impossible she would become 'human' and we would be laughing an hour on the tin can ...
And she would begin to do as she was fuckin told, start to write some poetical lines
" it is as if they have crucified me" (with a real laugh despite her true trauma)
what sort of tosser writes "anything can happen" ..at this age in this dump of a acedia infected Shopping Aisle...
And then it did.
And what she - MRs famous 'Earth Mother' Queen Bee of the ultra goddesses ..
" I thought all my healer / spiritual / yogaeating friends... curated so many years...i thought they would be human nice and understand....and have compassion.... i simply cannot believe it ...i have been ill from it all [ "yes i knew you were - your ghosting...i have compassion"].... i have for two decades sold myself and everyone else a pup... every single one.... theyre absolutely fucking evilthe way they have treated me..and my children.."
" oh my love...at last...welcome back tothe real world"
finished. Quickest jotting, neigh almost just a doodle:
Do come back.