Wednesday 7 December 2022

one day

 Not really,

and certainly not any Ivan Denisovich.

Meaning, what?


Funny old word.

And so overused of late.

Just being alive, and knowing full well that just keeping moving, will, always, boost that natural mojo machine.

The kairos. 

Well, waiting for echoes to diminish. 

There are always echoes to any sharp ending.

And thus sharp halts are always the wrong way, even if the hurry hurry types that took over the UK will even try and make money from you demanding they are right. Nope....  the wait til things naturally evolve into something different is always the way.

Funny thing is same applies to my new last name.

I have just discovered 'landloper'.

Which is perhaps the word long sought, and now it's too late.

Not that it is ever too late. Until it is.

But, schism.  Why? Or what kind?  as my life is always soft edged. Quiet gradual slides down the slope. Up to the top of the hill.

And now i know what kind.

And, no. In fact what a wonderful year in several respects. No matter what on earth - and i still ponder; to have such a complete sudden immersion into the world of the video call - showing off to some extent via the screen, in fact i realise is a liberation. Over a hump.
I need to keep and publish in a public place a video diary of sorts should i expire before the boring arrangements can be made to always ensure passwords and the like are available, to the only one who needs to know - all is well in my world.
In fact a few months by the river path where i became somewhat marooned, i so notice the sloped shoulders and shuffling pitiful gait of so many. Me, never.      Always bright eyed, always loping up into the hills when i can. Which is always.