Friday 18 November 2022

"bourgeois" part 1

And now my real 'purpose' and pleasure can begin.

Someone threw a sentence at me in the summer "your word you use, bourgeois .." 

well it isn't really a very nice word.  But i am always loyal even to ghosts and for a few months have been pondering the simplest essay on what bourgeois really means. And i have it, to be rit soon...i think it is good.

And also my seven year in the can film on 'mindfulness' - what that ACTUALLY is - the why nature is good for you aspect.  Time to share that one. It is wonderful. Not if nature - the 'nasty' bits, give you the creeps though. 

Lets just say that we are about have a repeat. Seven years ago November was exceptionally warm. As a result rattus had an extra litter. They would normally have stopped screwing august /September. Cues from nature.  But 2015 with the exceptionally warm November they got back at it. And my my a month later all hell broke loose...where i lived then, surrounded by ay acres of untended woodlands...  as all the little youngster rattus emerged... for there not to be any grub for them left, December...

 I have many recordings as to what happened next.

Hilarious, but so so REAL-'mindful'.... soon i shall at last share that. Being no point ever again bothering with ay 'cause' 

Back to for now 'bourgeois' as my my how important the 'words' now are but then I knew that reading PROPER psychology, philosophy, and biology...for thirty years.....such as Martin's superb The Sickening Mind - badly titled as it's about ow the mind can demand we LIVE!!!!


In that  recently superb new research seems to suggest that ALL our wank 'caring' jargon, talk, and the like in fact have killed people.  That bossocracy - usually fat, in fact all along with their new words and paradigms of endlessly talking on radio 4chan about some or other initiative for the good of the Altzheimers 'sufferers' all started about 20 years ago.. first 'dyslexia then all your ad haiches.... fat middle aged women desperate for their pensions so any old latest 'medical' this and that they fanatically parrot... cos that kept them in jobs, bless em....

Nope....sorry ladies (it almost all is that aint sexist pig) ... wrong.

Societies even ones close by like Sardinia where this talk - labels words about 'disease' that has been around forever, people LIVE LONGER.. actual physical processes can be observed by real scientists whereby the use of these medicalising negative words causes real physical negative effects... that cause people to die earlier. Period. And they aint medical thigs ether.

Anyway no one can listen so many vested interests, in misery... which in and of itself is bourgeois though more subtly.

Meanwhile i am the happiest bunny in the world in that for three months apart from fait accomplis...

i have started to make a whole load of more interesting little chunks of 'footage' about how in fact to ultra simplify and why it is good...which also means living extremely well on nearly nothing...

And this is the end phase in a few seemingly silly clips.... but i know what i am doing.

And the stories... the stories of real life discovering simpler ways...that's the super fun bit.
