private comms

cloaked unlisted page please private only if invited...simpler this way...

copy of message today to someone sums all up some applies some not..

ANY INTEREST JUST SPEAK...human to human...all this messaging has ruined humanity....

call any day from 05.30 to 9pm... always up at 5.30... doesn't mean you have t be if you want to be on the job with me .... but i always am...every day a new smiley day...

For EXTREMELY private facebook and personal blogs... herald a woman as greatest modern broadcaster by far...and i know ALL the intellectuals.... Meghan (here see link on other pages)

I am a sad old git who does nothing but hillwalk and think of a lass lost and also quietly listen out – search for..the few good voices who will tell truths. Rigorous ones...

(please can someone join Meghan’s group – babes in the desert...and get her home phone number for me or Hepola would do.... true heroines of our time! I want to marry either of them even if not keen on yanks..))  


Here, seriously...deadly serious for me as it sort of became my 'life's work' 5ish years ago. I sort of loosely mentor and morally support half a dozen women who have face to face shared with me the utter two faced dangerous toxic crap uk became. And they are almost always ultra goody goodies. Mothers, in one case a local wonderful (VAN LIVING IN!) reverend who is a mother of 4 daughters.  She is really interesting - may well visit me today for us to begin plotting how to get my writings out a bit more - they are about forgiveness  - the real version...  she knows i am the rea deal as she had a terrible malicious false allegation thing against her from a woman and thus is spurred (by me) into not bullshitting about people being genrally nice, any more....  ditto a hay-on-wye  many year  very very popular woman who has just lost 50 grand as a music festival she had started had the plug pulled by a devious man who is nationally famous.... as a goody goody philosopher. (she hated me for 10 years til...i offered to  actually help her arrange to make public statements forgiving him.... may work.

its all deadly serious  - some oft hese women, maybe the Rev.. maybe the empressario, SHOULD get involved one day in politics or the like.... so our children have more sincere and authentic women  at the helm...

they all sort of 'fear' my stoicism and wisdom but gradually they realise i am fairly right and a good influence...


Anyway one (a younger woman  - 37,) quite well known within Greenpeace  - one of their promotion team, and quite on the face of it sincere... she recently face to face admitted most of her work  with them is ineffectual  BS.... 

 Anyway i have the best job in world (last 2 months)but need  a woman ...WITH kids in tow is fine... to be around me as i work over the next  few weeks as the landowner is one of the an tragically messed up people and i need a chaperone (there would be no trouble if she saw a team of two at work..)


read last para for best links etc.


here are messages i sent to several about this. Got to find someone urgent. its a PARADISE unsed stable block... if she warmed to some horsey person who she got to know organically and slowly, she would let them start a business there - best hacking spot in the country!  serious...she has said so to me herself but is very unhappy and withdrawn so will never get it going herself


Thurs 17:12

You sent

Here wanna learn  ultra eco farm fence building and outbuilding renovations ...or know anyone else but they MUST be mellow sane people ....and female not for the obvious reason but see message ..i am expert at rebuiding fences etc such that old materials are reused (VERY few farmers do that) and also doing work that lasts so that use of resources is minimised...all by hand..i need a cowaorker for a bit - super easy stuff any woman could do ..

i sent this message to a sort of friend but she wont reply i know..hardly anyone ever seems to...  (lots typos my laptop keyboard is very broken)

hi just in case a message here may actually go to messages that get read  - it may  seem weird but i sent you a message from the only facebook account i sort of keep an eye on though rarely use my Ralph Rural account and it says this in a fuller way that explains all  but as i don't use facebook routinely  i have no idea if messages from non friends ever get anywhere to be read

Anyway i have a need to employ someone  - could be a few days on few days off, to do the easiest work ever in the most gorgeous hill setting ever. The need is real  - i try to explain. School holidays i wondered about you. it could be for 2 weeks or 2 months the work is there for 2 months but a few days on off over the next 2 weeks is my urgent need.


The location is 1 mile from a train that is a 1 change only run to London 3 3/4 hours 57 quid.....quite extraordinary as its a little station middle of nowhere LLangunllo...

i kind of have some pictures and bits of film here. I knew for 3or 4 weeks it will come to this.


In fact i cannot continue my work  at this site  unless i find someone and they have to be a little rugged  - like outdoors, and female...

very very loose schedule any old 3 or 4 days a week or it could be a 7 day stretch (with me) if someone wants more cash


basically the family that inhabits (65 year old woman and her 90 year old dad) as i knew has certain issues   - probably even abuse years ago....terrible loneliness (self imposed) ,   and a certain amount of occasional angst  - this would ONLY bubble out towards a man. (she has history). If a woman were around as my paid assistant  - just helping hold posts while i rebuild fences etc - dead dead easy work...  it would be peaceful. This is nothing personal to me, just a pattern likely the case for decades.


I have encountered this before.

SO i need an on site paid chaperone hahh hahh... even if i have lasted 2 mths already at site ... but i am tired of the  sometimes personal comments that come my way from a lonely person... they wouldnt  if there were two people at the site.

there could be 3 or 4 weeks more work...maybe 20 hrs a week average (more if wanted to do it that way - i like to have loads time to walk hills a few hours every day so i dont hurry) 


site at 1500' lovely mountain breezes.

beach is an hour drive away if break wished there (photos on page linked above)

the property though, despite being very high up in sparsely populated region - almost a hidden high up shangri la valley  - loads wildlife... likely has cctv so its a safe place ...

assuming anyone disliked me thats no problem i dont care just wish to find some fairly sane person to pretend to be on side with me  in loose team and the one thing i do care about is its a truly lovely job in a unique place and it will be wasted if i cannot find anyone. Meaning someone somewhere will love this unique oppourtunity ... sort of paid ultra lovely holiday in hill if someone likes the hills... 


i cannot 'advertise' openly as the family are extremely paranoid its all a bit sad really but i have them under control though do need a sidecick - too angsty one person alone there....

 the message i sent on the other facebook is this next bit, i so so so dont use either i do only use 07727 eight four 0  304 (personal numb my other is for my work)  if interested


pt 2 but just infil and private only to those who care to speak truth of environment

message few weeks ago

Thank you for disconnecting from the other facebook. As an artist you may just ‘get’ the following ( i do like your painting by the way), which is irrelevant as it is the past but for 5ish years starting with my ex partner - she offered to be first volunteer, a range of people indicated some interest in even free learning activities at the space i sort of tried to resurrect (best eco place by far for miles) but all such interest was little more than saying what pleases others. So that facebook is sort of a performative testament to what i know is many years the ‘issue’. But that is a sort of personal past life i enjoy privately to ponder chronicling one day, otherwise it is irrelevant – just experience. Don’t worry i don’t wish to “connect” I share one or a couple of simple things for a simple reason. And it is quite simply that i know the one most fabulous aspect to existence is if a person actually causes someone to else to change, Even if the change (in this case) is a return to a better mode already experienced. And by ‘change’ i do not mean assumed mental adjustment that turns out often to be a little self regarding, i mean actually doing an act. And only because i encountered you i have had just such a change – of the reversion kind. A change that has lead to an act. It is that having for some months shut my mind down to the idea of there being ANY vaguely down to earth, sincere, sane woman left on the planet – or certainly UK I had entered a sort of shut down mode. Prior to a few months ago I often had quite good energy in respect of being attempting new encounters – enjoying putting myself in situations where i may make them – albeit in daylight as as I Am a night-time hermit. But i had fizzled and wound down any hope. Which made me mentally shut down. I had accepted that new state and assumed it was now for good. But then i encountered you. And as a result of even if I am of no interest at all as any kind of even friend it seems that my energy has returned in that department. It is only due to meeting you. I know what makes me tick or what really does motivate me. Or whom... The energy returning because of an unexpected encounter - and i do mean it i know most are asleep and in fact shut down and cowardly – but not you, has got me even having a last flail tarting around a bit online answering a few date posts on Awakened souls dating .....

 even if i know better and it is the usual hilarious web of nonsense. So many lost souls! Putting up “off grid life in the hills sought” and then...hahh hahhh they don’t even get beyond their scrotty local corner shop. God there are so many truly lost folk online. Tragic. Send 4 nice messages to four stating they wish to connect and only one may even be read...(and the standard reply if more than 2 lines is “i am rather overwhelmed” one can read any more....But nothing ventured nothing gained. I do know you are rare. I shall not say ‘unique’ as that would Make me appear some obsessed fruitbat which half a dozen women of my acquaint in the region i think would confirm i am not. What people not do (or say) is often more interesting than what they do. You did not claim any syndrome, illness; disability, label, label, or label..... in fact like me your only real dissatisfaction i heard was not getting on too well with the Spanish language. I regret this immensely in my own last decade as i met a few Spaniards on my travels i really would have liked to communicate with most deeply. . I have brilliant radar for all the self pitying label-speak. That is what really grabbed me about you. The absence of it all. I know you don’t think like that. Even in the rural wilds where one has to get on with life, and just get on with life and anyway there is so much to be grateful for and so much beauty to revel in, all i hear is moaning about some label the person imagines defines them. Britian is finished (and as a true cause warrior it is the reason no one REALLY cares about Assange’s free speech or other similar causes – i despair...i saw movements i was in the centre of completely dissolve into nothing as all these sel;f obsessed folk started to dictate via their perceived ‘differences’. You care about justice for a few free speech chaps. And you wear that on your sleeve. (there is no hope by the way - i am THE only Free speech operator who was allowed to make some headway and of course i have monitored carefully how the powers that be behave.... nope.... 84 Tory majority doesnt only mean a nation of greedy money mad bourgeoisie who do vote for that system! , it also means a nation – a people, who no longer REALLY are about Assange and Snowden and those that came before them. For years i have tried to find a common language that works with ordinary fairly serious people – especially  as when 2 years ago it was obvious via big tech etc censorship was returning. Orwellspeak and Kafkaesque censorship. Truth is 95% of British people no longer even know who Voltaire was I sort of started a purely info new twitter last year mentioning my adaptation of Voltaire in the header photograph, hardly any of my supposedly intelligent universal human rights savvy acquaintances get it No hope..... People do not want to rock the boat. I knew this a year ago as i attempted then to rev up a few more sincere folk to try and ‘do’ something – collaborate on some grown up good film/articles about free speech and then right to be informed (the toxic soup) ....nope, several who were all up in arms who i have known years just faked their rage (at government) they could not actually DO anything... virtue signaling even then... i gave up. That said i knew one thing years ago which is to ever find anyone with whom i could at least have vaguely good conversation with about the real world – oppression and anti egalitarian tendencies, it is necessary for me to yes connect with people who may live in London. But the idea of visiting... agghhhhh... (i lived there 12 years long ago)... But i have a very strange new reality – i sort of partly moved up to this extraordinary valley. A high up valley (average 12 or 1300 foot) that has an extraordinary almost Kashmir feel to it. And the most amazing sunsets i have encountered anywhere in UK. It is absurdly lonely except so gorgeous that helps one forget. The few families and households around and about are too isolated such that corvid made them all rather wonky. Or most it seems. But i could work up here for the next 6 months i believe – there is the work -what i like to do (part time, the rest of the time trying to reboot some writing). Anyway bizarrely just down the hill – but the whole area is miles away from anywhere a truly forgotten back of beyond, along an extremely narrow potholed lane which has About 7 cars a a railway station Llangunllo / Llangynllo that with only one connection gets to London in less than four hours. It is almost like having arrived ion some time warp wormhole. Or it could be. (and its 55 ish quid). I seem to come to (‘good’) things when it is too late. By which i mean 4 or 5 years ago i was pondering a very part time existence reengaging with London arts world but the whole thing of what a drain the journey was holding me back. Now i could live in absolute wild paradise but also pop down to London if required with no aggro. I could walk to the station hahh hahh. Of course if i ever found any London wise modern (Corbynite, minus the victim politics) spirit who also loved it in the wilds... and .. well i need someone to help me occasionally do things like hold upright the fencepost i am whacking in. So hard a job alone. Or as i am a perfect equalicsts, she whack them in while i hold them, and of course get paid for it. But then the true lament of my life.... one never finds good modern minds - real spirits, who also have the spirit to easily enjoy the wilds. And i am thus thinking about that in a writerly way, however i have recently focused in on what i think is a real problem - too big a problem to ‘do’ anything about, but i know no one is even speaking of this, which is that the esteem of women we need as equals in rural places (synergy in teamwork) has without any doubt lessened the last decade or so. In fact it is the one thing that truly saddens me and also affects my life is thus because being around people of low esteem is so draining and also dysfunctional. People with esteem problems cannot efficiently work with one as their feelings are always drowning out simple fellowship on the job... (someone needs to write a book about this – i have the tales to tell but as a man in modern uk i cannot write that book of course..) Coming back to my opening line. For some years – after 2010 -12 ish when i spent a lot of time truly letting go into a new (post bereavement) almost slightly transcendental state where for some years i also discovered never ever ever trust anyone who thinks they have some divine insight - or especially any knowledge one must pay for – even 50p is a rip off, i did however and still do browse my way through a range of what is called ‘new thought’ (i am sure you are in touch enough to know that phrase) ). This is all the modern or in fact ‘post modern’ freeing up of notions on physics metaphysics and all sorts of ‘work’ on the self – emotional intelligence etc etc etc....relativist stuff etc.... (Russell Brand becoming a sort of absurd leader in some of this – but there are many far more measured playing the same game in public without his rather obscene celebrity world obsessions, for example David Fuller of ‘Rebel Wisdom’ Gabor Mate etc etc etc....) For some years every other word is ‘connect’ (from these people who in one way or other are paid money to share their words and charismatic personhood) - i distrust them; but that is video self publicity. When the people i did need – like Extinction Rebellion members etc also started to by default use that word, but never ever ever follow through with action... i knew it was a dangerous, in fact non-word. I think that word has damaged society a lot. It is typically British-performative.... But that isn’t any contentious matter as all i am about is as a last ever attempt to see if there may be someone with a fair mind left who may wish to get out from some city and enjoy a bit of summer here. (my true wish for some years was some kind of writing thinking partner – collaboration to me is next to godliness) And i am sharing a page


 And a message i wrote to someone - food for thought if there are any thinkers left. Dont worry no one ever ever seems to ever reply to anything. Even when someone says they would like to take a discussion forward. I am good at solitude. Farewell. Message copy: Hi, last word. Or a few. This is a message i am sending to just a couple of genuinely ‘green’ people. And truths is so few are genuinely all the way green. In fact i am sending it to you as many years sort of studying and thinking about the reality of rural environmental thinking i concluded some years ago woman/ man is terribly important and no one talks about it, but in fact even more hard truth is that the damaged / low esteem of many women who live in rural areas is even more a deep real issue that is essential to figure in environmental management of the land. As an intelligent woman you may find that interesting. (no ....calling them ‘vulnerable’ and calling the cops is NOT the answer!) Or lets just say i havent met anyone for years it seems they wish to converse equally about issues others just go weird on. (and last chance current unique opportunity someone surely would enjoy – and i dont mean ‘enjoy’ me 🙂Image... a bit of occasional work helping out in the hills but in fact more just enjoying the place... can hide away in a tent somewhere could be part time.... and interestingly there is a train station close by )

From web: Departs at 09:07 Llangynllo [LGO] 3h 52m 1 change(s) Moreview details on the 09:07 service from Llangynllo to London Euston Arrives 12:59 London Euston [EUS]Platform 7

My main thing in fact the last few years is that i have sought a special place to go and live – truly back to nature. However that means being a fair way from habitation. Or at least a little way as even agricultural noise these days can be rather unpleasant. Anyway a few months ago i was offered some work in a pretty remote spot i had not been to before, and it turns out that it is simply uniquely beautiful and quiet and there is much wonderful wildlife around. The sunsets - high up with only 100 miles of Welsh hills to the West, are sublime. I am addicted to them. The ‘politics’ of being in areas like this are however tenuous. Meaning a man alone is not that welcome. Trouble is assumed. I am teetotal but no point telling anyone that these days they assume the worst. The land i am working at has two female residents. (they dont do the work i do). Thus household needs someone to do this fencing and renovation so I am tolerated. But i lament that it could be something much more fun and joyful. I keep entirely to myself - there are issues in their household nothing to do with me. All too weird for me. I would love to have some sane co-worker around a bit. It would transform the situation. Anyway so politically such a job is so so so much smoother if one has a friend alongside. I stay out of the residents’ minor feuds and long-term issues with one another. I like peace. It is however a unique place and it would work better for me if i had someone around some of the time – they can share the work (and wages !!) And after the last 2 years i am trying to see if anyone would love to really get away from it all – the energy up here is uniquely wonderful. And i dont have to work hard – at my own pace.. Would love to actually have an intelligent conversation as i do... No strings no aggro as i like peace. I have never lived in such a peaceful place and wish it to stay so.... All a hotch potch - i was trying to essay on various things but its sort of collected here i am just so so tired of the internet would love to not type one message ever again and just type my essays i rather like doing .... and speak to humans only on 07727 eight four 0 304 And here is a message i wrote last week to a truly intellectual brilliant equalicist woman i know - my one true soulmate ...ish.....unfortunately she is based in Brussels and wont come and live in the hills: Don’t worry i know when i am REALLY beaten, finished, fail. In everything. (you spoke of failure so well!) On the last day of my fifties. And no word from my only daughter on fathers day. But that is about the distant past. Funny thing is (‘ironic’ ‘funny’) this week again i have had pushed in my face the real project i have failed on. Though one day i will try to write about it It is about women. But not in a good way. And ‘gender politics’ became so stupid and hateful in uk i hate this but i KNOW this is the reality: The majority of the ‘environment’ is rural. It is not cosmopolitan modern-minded cities. Unfortunately in some ways gender roles went ‘backwards’ especially in 2020. I know that is true. Women left at home cooking and cleaning. But in rural places we need a good mix of women and men working together as equals. BUT.. the BIG PROBLEM: Women may be involved in the land. I have in the last 7 or 8 years worked for more women than men - helping restore their land. BUT if THEY have bad (low) self esteem it is dysfunctional and unpleasant working for them. Or ‘with’ them really. Negotiating how to do work on land in harmony with nature. Working ‘with’. It is very difficult to work harmoniously with anyone who has low self esteem. They ‘people please’ – this means they pretend, smiling, to listen to a suggestion, or agree. Privately their head is in a turmoil because of their personal problems. It is very hard. I do not like it. I am so so so so so bored meeting only women with low self esteem. They cannot be ‘equal’ and at peace in their minds. Peace is good. Many women away from cities now i think have worse self esteem than maybe 5 years ago. This is tragic. And it corrupts and damages all relationships in the rural places. And it means it is harder to work efficiently to do work that is necessary. Protect resources. Protect the environment. So many women with low self esteem means the work to protect the environment does not get done. It fails. All ends in disarray. This week it happened again. That situation – a woman with low self esteem i realised i cannot rely on. I failed because it means my work will fail. I accept that. I hope i die very quickly it is so boring being with so many people with bad self esteem. I need to be a hermit now living in the hills in a cave. I give up.

Sat 17:12

You sent

ps its extraordinary how so many women 'ghost'..🤣🥸.. i never usually lower myself to is quite damaging - was very damaging to the cause..i never take it personal.... real reason i would also like to encourage some truth talker like you up to my area and have been trying for years is THE VERY BEST eco goddess i have ever met Sarah J runs her own rewilding spot 11 acres ...and she talks truth with me - i trained her to.... ALL serious eco youngers should meet her....  but also for 3 ish years i have been begging her even slightly blackmailing to try and rollout some more of her 'model' elsewhere....  she is genus at it and lovely woman my age ...married... but they need younger more tough minded types to kick her up bum and make her try and replicate more of her 11 acres... someone like you...  i give up....... hahh hahhh throw myself in river ...links to sarah are in PLUS the actual woman i am in love with - all good minds should be listening to Meg.....  links in (i told her about you just this morn in a chat.." maybe one of the few who really do MEAN it.." and someone else i met  - journo from Positive News (20 years ago our bible) we have read for years... 10+ yrs ago i began to get journo friend told me yes it became an utter London based con operation 13 years ago ish...told me the whole tale