Monday 28 November 2022

END of the era...

various things will now only be written here on the 'home' page

and i may start to share this with publishers soon or maybe some real filmmakers if there are any left - because it is why... not 'why'? me  - why an no one cooperate even in the countryside where for ...ever...people knew they must to make it viable..

And why do 'environmentalists' only lie - the rivers even in my  very low intensity region are ruined... 

they lie that they even DO anything (they dont... 3 months i have been ultra busy on 2 new projects... what a story! - the absolute cant and vanity and bullshit from the environmentally 'aware'.. all recorded...for posterity... )

 end of era...about 20 years 

a week ago - i NEED to be a narcissist and waffle into my camera as one day my lass may need to understand...i THINK she has a true sceptical and enquiring mind....

But just a few days one, freedom
REAL freedom not some show off  "look at me I AM FREE"

but ten times more important

one must have a evocative place which symbolises all (WHICH MEANS I DO HAVE TO TELL THE STORIES - ALL...ONE DAY..)

and if it is placed such that even mid novemeber it gets good sunshine...and everyone else has forgotten it even exists. that is where you put your sunchair..

as i have... cos winter sunshine is ten times more valuable than the summer