Friday 18 November 2022

the bullshit

Now, there should be a word that is the inverse of 'retire'  - in fact there is ...time to LIVE... hahh hahhh yes real hahh hahh

THis little 'post' should be a book, or novel as I have whittered many years "i have never met any charlatan or lying people pleaser WORTH naming..."  even if there os one who committed such evil acts of animal cruelty in July 2020, unbeknown to him me and my camera capturing....
bet his Extinction Rebellion mates, and igh church mates, and aristo family mates, and ex mates on the local council who paid him to be 'environmental' spokesperson some years ....would like to know his name...
but why bother as i know quite scientifically (focus grouped the REAL version, on the street THEN do they remember the next time we meet?) no one actually cares.

Someone in this does a bit. "ok lassie...ninety minutes you and I and him... i had my recorder on...if you don't do what you say you will you will find my recording all over your twitter.....even if too lazy to do it for years..."
A fine woman accepts that as the real world and doesn't mind an ultimatum, as she knows i mean it - my dedication,  and that ALL the rivers fucked for 50 miles means it isn't a joke any more,  or yet another occasion for fat people to eat cake and virtue signal...

That said, tragic when "Missie... half a dozen said they would be in touch with you to support you.... and i have further info to report in... buttwo times out of three the last four months your official office email bounces and your right hand he waffles something about systems issues... "

Anyway, so, not me.... she
tells me five months ago to my face 

"THE only way we save if we have one of these...."

"what a great idea.....  upstream polluters can at last be held to draconian account....even citizens can take judicial review against them...splendid.. "

a few months on tramping the whole region, no expenses no help:

" hey... twenty i have quizzed face to face, many in the past could be relied on to ego-battle, be weird, and then do nothing....except twist a knife in ones back they stuck there the moment i moved on ...

"But EVERY single one says fantastic idea, o downside and most say they will work in a small group each trying to establish one on their utterly fucked rivers, Lugg Arrow Teme, upper Wye....

" i have a seven years known superb younger man who will set up simplest webpage and whatsapple group so they...i have 3 in each spot...can all chatter but really just copy your great idea.... i wlll email you in a week with final details of them all... superb best eco project by far i have ever come across... and i tell them all it was only your scheme..."

But then...

As if the script for a dystopian novel about acedia, apathy. and worse....death...  had come to pass, once again, writing itself.  Not one single person of at east a dozen who adamantly were excited and bright eyed about HER fabulous idea...  answered any text, email, or ....even remembered their pledge next time they were spied on a street...i mean very small streets with little distraction. 

Which is an illness called 'people pleasing'. Or at the very least scatterbrainitis, and since i don't drink  and also select people over many years to partner/ ally/collaborate  with who appear to live fairly clean lives, and are well enough off they dont have to work a 90 hr week at the local chicken sheds.... so they should remember a meaningful conversation of at least 30 minutes with very good rhetoric....

It doesn't matter.. once again - this is only about the seventh such simple regional initiative...i have spearheaded or joint taken forward with someone MUCH nicer than me.... 

Where one discovers pure and simple utter pandemic of bullshit. Why your envoironment will remain fucked forever...

Though with me it is 'dual purpose' in that as every word is chronicled recorded.... diarised... what a splendid picture of the 'truth' of fake environmentalism...yet again

So, yet another five months, ending today, forever....wasted.

But i am the lucky one as i actually DID do 'my' best....  and this deserve a new life.  Forget the old one - caring...for 20+ years...ever happened. Except for the memoir which will be such fun - in fact rather funny it is so surreal. 

The chapters that do add to it - the aforementioned excepting one being 'civilians', though is when one makes an official call. 

to the  asking for advice and thoughts. Leaving a message. And emailing... 

It is quite astounding - have been here many times before....

despite their glitzy websites they simply never ever have the manners or humanity ever to reply or follow up ANYthing...and i live in a part of the uk that has more 'environment' than almost anywhere else.

ANyway concurrently - 6 weeks ago, we have this. Which said FIVE YEARS...millions of quid...spent on the super super vainglorious new 'Welsh' eco laws....  is being delayed/ torn up...

i have a recording.

10/10/22 - Pollution rules delayed, International Trade.

Farming Today

New rules aimed at reducing agricultural pollution in rivers in Wales are being delayed by the Welsh Government for three months. The introduction of an all-Wales nitrate vulnerable zone is opposed by farming unions and opposition parties. Campaign group the Welsh Rivers Union, tell us the delay is disappointing, and hope this is not a sign the policy is being pushed into the long grass.

gone, but i will put up a recording soon.

So, overdrive "have you heard... the land upstream the Welsh gov admits is polluting rivers downstream... Labour have torn up - in REALITY.. the new wont come in for months in fact will be pushed down river to after another election...and then will be dropped..."

"yes yes terrible.."

then not one word back "yes we should at least make sure media know about it ..."

And one calls

who boasted they existed on this program... they dont even have the manners to return a call...

Now one day, this last five months will be turned into Homeric poems, songs... even a proper essay and maybe surreal short story....

But the real problem is that no one gets any more, in Mister Bernahrds magnificent book Extinction... probably best book of the second half of the last century - i know as i read many..

It is NOT about 'extinction' it is also almost the opposite: it is so beautifully a living book about how we must holdup ALL our mess, hypocrisies, inadequacies, vanities, and incongruities, for GENUINE inspection - there must be no limit. TB wet all the way...   we must hide behind no skirts or fancy castle walls. And there in is real LIFE. How to live....even if i can do better asi have been writing in a similar vein for 10 years and outlived him

But that is for another day. As free of ever bothering to DO anything ever again, now i can live among my diaries and chronicles and even travel away from here as i 'knew' the few who may have just been 'hope' - may have just done something....

heaven is knowing for sure, there never was any hope. And then writing a joke book about them. Anonymous....or maybe except for one. But even him...and her his aristo wifey...what's the point in yet another  headline about criminal animal cruelty....  even if on rather a grand scale. And with some very beautiful sublime photos to accompany... i spent a lot of time on.