Tuesday 1 November 2022

The very very very last post, before the fun restarts



finished. Quickest jotting, neigh almost just a doodle:

Do come back.

But then the next day.

In the very very last place one would imagine: They call it God's Waiting Room

One encounters   - she started it! :-)
She broke the ice over the orange label knock downs at the OOP..

" scandalous they are such hypocrites.."

[ full conversation to insert as it was the very best ever!]

"The upshot is Mandy, i think we know your smile is pukka and pure ... unlike absolutely every single one of the others supposedly our side, because you face up to the fact there is no hope... for exactly the same reasons we have both ascertained so so long... that 'our side' are a load of people pleasing fakes... and people pleasing is a very dangerous real affliction long known..... your river Clun fuckerated..my rivers... because they suck the oxygen out of the whole damn project - to DO something as  ateam to actually DO something about it.... and enough of us we could have..... but we have thats why we are so happy chatting away the time of day with strangers as we... to be cont"

The hard part of any kind of screen based piety is when one is not only not pious but is happily plodding through every day for years without actually moaning ever, no one will believe this unless woven in there are GREAT evocative, soulful,  blissful even, gorgeous wonderful only happy stories to also tell.... that are all 100% real and not some space cadet off with the fairies nonsense....cos MY chronicling, is absolutely pukka...  if Montaigne were still about he would wander everywhere with his devices recording too... cos you can't trust anyone these days not to warp the self that Mandy knows - recognises...anyway we have our mutual pukka eco friend... Sarah N... "the ONLY one who actually does it properly and writes superbly about their rewilding, REAL writing, not about fairies and moondust but ALL the  bugs bees birds and even how to actually get government money for more of them.."
the amount of times i have sermonised that the last 5 years....
And a complete and utter waste of time...
but it was being alive, trying...

My religion as with all the rest i am a fanatic fundqamentaliist.
BEST book by far on this subject (i know as i have a large library of the actual grown up books on the 'soul') is the superb Amos Oz
How to cure..one.


the rest its time to clear off my desktop and start from

the beginning

in the beginning was naCHER...IT FUCKS STUFF UP.


a second religion
to be cont

To the communicant
"ehh up dilettante bourgeois fatso... you'll be in heaven here.."

Another one of those words, like 'intellectual'  - so decried by the scrofulates who just (in the library) shout so as to prey at the alter of their own voices. And that's the ones paid to be here.

But then how bizarre - it is as if this place was built just for me - no one ever in the 'glass box' room...

 note to self: what am i going to do about her...i mean rural honour is thet you ALWAYS pay your day labouring yeoman, especially as the previous 60 days it was all " fab job..no one else would do it so well at minimum wage.." and their unmortgaged property is at least 750 k worth..

Of course bimbos won't have seen Blott On The Landscape its not on breakfast lunch and teatime tv blaring in the kitchen

Good job, even if i believe it was one of the greatest cultural and intellectual exposes of the cant and vanity in this sceptic Shopping Aisle, i don't believe in Blottian revenge...or any...

That's if "thank you for ripping me off 6 days  hard labour full days ...pay... still... because no longer living in your hills i had the most wonderful summer into autumn ever...made half a dozen new sort of friends ...waiting to be paid sweeypie...by you....  truly, i wopuld not have had one second of my life, especially since you played games with my money...why....? any different ..peace sister....ebven if like all the rest you lie about your age even in the rural places where honour was ones word.... likely nearer the age of my mother.... " 
isn't considered revenge 
it's true
not meant to 'hurt'.
But i suspect it will....

Even the local charity shop "spray tan booth.." 
there is no hope.
The bimbos won

But, life was at last worthwhile just a few days ago to the truly amazingly funny and confident young punkettes...
"looky here ...yeah yeahh....  Nina Hagen, i hope you worship...especially the live performance of the nature song.... kills me still....and you won't of heard of girl band Penetration.. Moving Targets i do believe  the very best of all punk albums.... 
but before all that racket, sorry.... hark up there upon the wall of this ere collectors record shop....

i really do hope you know about her...in my opinion she was the very fiercest and she started the whole thing really...
my brown friend we duel every day he loves his useless confected modern punk i just shower him with ... you HAVE heard of her you agree... fuck me there is a god... and it really was her 
there is some 74...ohh you've seen it... god at last our lasses are getting truly great education....i am so met you...great ironwork...
I am going home and putting on... that year you see girls...
those noisy happies ok Siouxsi was genius shortly after but sorry the same year all smug those pistoly chaps on the box...

same year ... 
a woman going truly beserk

for the right


"your kidding... you've seen the 'stevie in a mini-skirt' one too..... the bit where she holds her arms up ding the 'Black widow of a woman..' ..it simply is the sublime..... . i think is the best bit of performance art in the history of anything.... Sophocles would be turning in his grave had he known a mere woman could do so so much better than him...one day.. i actually have some hope in humanity meeting you two terrors.. really....and you'll know being brought up on decent real music... one doesn't lie about the important stufft it come...and if theres a god it will.

" but one tip if aint too patronising....  it's not quite enough......   mix in a few REAL books too... nope, Harry Potter, or  Magical Realism doesn't count ..unless it's Gabriel Garcia.... but you have plenty top chose from as the two greatest punk literati by far are your Missey Elliot with her Silas, and Rachel Kushner with her Mars Room.... then your education will be complete"

Time to off we go to other identities and other spots... and get some of these damn stories down. I know they will not disappoint. Thing is i know true zen and spirituality: ALL attention upon the self distracts... only takes. Never adds anything real. Nor good. That is the first law of the weird human universe. I know - i've been both.... It is so  so much better to be no one. Having been through being 'someone'.

except two people - me and him... 1/4 of a decade ago, no plan...we really really did become someone
this is the very hardest line to write .... so it needs at least a week to come... the right words to describe it.
And if theres a 'god' it..may