Saturday 29 October 2022

why go? why elope?

and now i can enjoy my 'SARTORIAL' / wry / lifeforce FILLED take on your crappy little shopping Aisle of as land...and how to smile at it every day...for real

 - there is ALWAYS a way to find some enjoyable take on morality - my years debating with the god squad are wonderful... never mind take the electricity of the one whom personifies the military industrial complex which is quite simply as load of fat ugly petrolheads gather every morn in the place of the lowest common denominator. To be revealed.....soon...

But i have so many truly beautiful snaps taken over the years its the kairos now....i wish no one ever ever to follow through on anything. SO i shall have all the time in the world to enjoy telling the stories that go with each.

and start

Though she - it started with her Docs

 is a hundred times more interesting than anything i may doodle for now.
Especially when unlike just about everyone else whom riffs online, my online starts with real conversations where i broach the supposedly unbroachable, face to face.

I saw her face. And she won't forget my little sermon, with laughs, and superb fable, with word pictures.

on this very subject.

Because an open faced young person  hearing how someone can explain what morality actually is to her dad, on morality duty, is why one bothered living thus far. And he laughed too. And it cost im money hahh we all laughed, at.

to be continued.

Except authentic means ALL the way.... there is dynamism behind these words (jotted here when time allows one to think, rather than do - i do or did a more  - forty days   verbally kicking the only woman i 'love' 
... ddddd...  

because, i am sorry, the one who was meant to have a brain, and care about women and care about rights, and care about certain rights  - to wear what the fuck you want, always... and that no person ever should judge any other on what they do or do not wear, is simply from the stone age.   
And the accident of the wrong Mullah ending up boss in 79 or so ... who was fanatic, the other choices not so, if that can be dealt with now, it woulod symbolise something so important that if they can go all the way it is an unimaginable symbol of more than hope, but    something that the West seems to be unable to understand any more. There is simple good, and simple. bad.
And there are only two sides.

All i can say is that when you realise that dental bills make it worth fucking your dentist rather than critique his stone age Arabian mores - as any wise Arabian will admit more than 99.999% sadly are born into,  and saying not one thing in public when for years you were paid to speak in public about brown refugee women being free to make whatever clothing they wish,  and sell them even to The Queen...   even i was surprised..

But, rather find out now, or rather on the first day of it all  - " wow... praise these simply extraordinarily brave young women....why are none of you in Brussels on the streets if you were maybe the three murdered already may feel their lives werent laid down in vain... they got fuckin facebook too!"  " than the ghostly silence, then a good blockin... 
well, 40 days on i think at least in spirit i was proven right

 hahh hahh..

Though of course it seems as we return in the west to the nouveau stone age no woman, even the best one by far i ever met can say 

" ehhh ok mister ..maybe you were...right.."
Nope, reason two to go.
Very very soon.