Saturday 29 October 2022


 even if she said "intimate"

I have a perfect memory.

and so, especially today - now i know Grasshopper #1 never was...  (there is 7 years in that one phrase, or half a sentence)

the kairos really kicks in.

But especially today - that even he, paid, though he would never admit it, to preach on morals, has nothing to say about the fact  the vicious little comedian, from a land where one knows, due to actual 'empathy' and actually being some time in Central Europe, it is indeed populated by death squads  - nothing to do with any Ruskies, these are just the locals... and understanding 'why' - ehhhh... 27 years ago the only vhs one could find for thousands of miles, in every petrol station, was Rambo...  and one one is brought up, sadly takes many years to grow upout of..

That the nasty little man calls in Olympic stadium, brandishing his Glastonbury gold for victimhood and calling upon the 'west' - meaning UK and USA to send him cluster bombs which have been illegal under just about every fuckin convention going for decades as they maim  or tear to shreds children most of all - several weeks on picked up to play catch with, the unexploded...

That no one has even said anything never mind understands such a simple hypocrisy

means there never was any point eevn being an educator ..

But then education: they won't tell you as it doesn't fit in with the Olympic training program; those days - many, when one is up and at it by early on, the 'it' I am not even sure how to describe, but i will now. Now all is pointless except perraps that one last question. Those days - many, when there are seven possible interesting things (read people) who could jump out of the woodwork, and...

And one has not the slightest inkling if one may even see a soul.

And then all of a sudden, her too....too many! Which is  called being alive. And thanks for all the ghosting, everyone.

Except i know there was only one who would happily tend our goats.So be it..

Now, i know what a story is. And i know what 'suspense' is. And it is obvious how to weave the two together. Myself i am only interested ion grown up stories, such as the greatest, his Extinction... where all 'our' cant and vanities are thrown around like a jugglers plates made of quantumly entangled gemstones and Heron's squawks

But i went and verered off into the pictorial.

And i have many such as 

which is more explosive than a truck of dodgy cluster bombs going off or not going off depending on whom is the quantum observer.

If you- the browser, knew the three months in the background to this.Today.

" i know three other women  actually enlightened like you who sleep aside a  ssad male brexiteer.. I do wonder how you all sleep at night..."

" dont give me THAT look... you of all women should know by now i am bulletproof.. thats why you come to visit me... with him...  i hated even the radio reporting of a 'Staffie' until we fell in love..."

" i met his dad a few days ago.. on a walkies down here..... hahh hahhh i bet he wondered what the heck is the mut doing coming  up as if i was his best mate in the world all happy and kissy with me.... he didnt say anything when i said 'hi'...i see he is still limping..."

But then.... anyone into "The Sublime"  and who has spent as long completely in nature - part feral, part, stone age wanderer...though always with a neatly pressed white cotton handkerchief in my back pocket, (i shall get to this later)... knows it is hard to in fact weave together that sublime, and 'nature'. Nature just is. Of course it is endlessly mind-blowing in intricacy and beauty. But i don't believe it translates any metaphysical or special knowledge. If anything it teaches us its all a right fuckin unknowable mess so accept it -anything can happen.  And keep absurd human hysteria and attention seeking madness, in perspective.

BUt then so long - so many intimate maybe moments....and there we are in the woods, that so 'personal' quip at her... and barrelling down the river comes the only thing in nature in the UK thats out of a magnificent opera of hunchbacks and witchies  mixin it up with lunatic abandon as if at the Halloween party to end all parties...... 

" i have never seen her so close.. ten yards away.... have you never heard them do that before..? .... something J must really really be getting to her...the heron... god what a fabulous warning volley of the loudest squawks by far ive ever heard....and for years i have followed and stalked them all over the area...  never even been close to such a frantic outcry as that....i wonder why..."... 

But then thats only the obvious and simple nuanced actions at my funny little base... the  Tolstoian epics of nuance that get played out most days... 

And there are some days half a dozen...

I KNEW for sure life was over, and i would never have a moment of fun ever again in life, ever, a mere three months ago.


 problem is when one has hundreds of images with such impossible (but fully evidenced) poignant stories behind them... one needs a  LOT of time, and a plug...I know that especially the last 2 1/2 years never mind quite  few leading up to that moment. no one else has even  a shadow of the extraordinaryily full uktra poignant moments...

and i never seek anything. ever. Like to meditate in the bracken, alone, for days...