Wednesday 19 October 2022

More specific compañera demanded, or else

 I 'believe' in summit. But i don't believe in anyone who ever says they have any power to begin to understand anything. Essentially what Herman managed to get to in El Sid Siddhartha

Never mind anyone whom professes to 'heal', or ... well all of it. That's just for money of friends when one cannot get actual REAL friends which is hard work and no potions are involved either as a friendship gift or rippin em off to pay for your handbag habit.

Real friendship as equals is a battle. Not one person laying fake hands on another for fake reasons. 

But even more important, this notion  - as the Christians nowadays obsess (they didnt 50 years ago) "everyone must be saved.. especially myself" (superb chat with a man my equal on that a few days ago) is of the same ilk as with so many 'healers' in the world even toxic little UK, my my  ...

Well let's put it this way: 'healing from what, exactly?

50% plus of 'illness' has a huge element of psychosoma in it, for which the healing  recommendation for about 5 thousand years has been "grow the fuck up...stop thinking about yourself and think about real the aristos and farmers fucking the rivers..."  

And once one stops thinking about onselef all the time, guess what one forgets that the human body's standard little ups and downs and infestations of some algae or other - all real things, actually MATTER...unless you spend half your life pondering what that itch is. Because you have nothing REAL to do  - such as yet again waste one's time on, and take a BIG risk  in even speaking openly about " when the next election happens cos Kier destroyed  all notion of balance and decency, in one man even if he was only part of his rather splendid little group.... and he then of late eviscerated his (old 'New Labour') party, of real new labour which the cycling alotmenteer represented,  there is nothing to even vote for.... except if you happen to be Yellow, as it is (i checked yeteraft) in their manifesto.... you want another pop at a certain discussion we all know BOTH sides so awfully conducted 2016.... rematch... and there is something called (treaty LAW - never mind law that the common wo/man may appreciate as common sense, which is all law is) 'material change'. That is a legal term for a hysteria starting 2020...which is wonderful can we have more please!!!  because the shitter it gets the more raison d'etre there is for indeed

But we don't get 'there' without a LOT of work, here... i live within a region  - centerish where there are 20 swingy seats... that are so badly managed it is a rime so they should all starve and eat their brexit forever no matter how self pitying they are at the taste of it. (hmm thats all most poetical).

Back to healing, even if 'mindfulness' and wellness as any nice decent sane person for 20+ years understood, long ago, are all of the same cloying litter of tragically bought up children. It's all the same as hypochondria. I think i must have had at least three "RED ALERT" moles suddently changing even started to gush blood May 2020 when the docs were hard to get to... I just decided that i would rather be dead as there are no fun people left anyway,  nor good minds who read real books - see leftover link... on rr fb....but why not turn it into photographic performance art....  whih i was so getting into  - "wow i will be so so famous as a brave pioneer of bloody mole art when it explodes and the cancer sure as ferrets are gferrets it is capping engulfs my whole face overnight... " massive it was... 

And then one morning i noticed in the mirror... bastard wasnt there any more a fake caner all along like all the fake healers..

my point, why all the 'healing'? except for consuming corporate pollution (what farming also produces - i am true top expert) not much change din human affairs for 1900s of years...except as the science categorically states we...errata you...are far more 'sedentary' - the polite word for lazy murdacunnts...

And also (so so so underesearched due hype about sunshine which started about 500 years ago... with some awful white makeup obsessed mad woman who happened to be Queen... )  that the human phenotype (sum of physicality which is in fact 90% not human being we are a human shaped sac of loadsa minced up DNA - the majority 'parasitical' which is a truly fascist word for our cousins who live ON us...  and without whom we wouldn't be extant, and add in 'environment' a tremendously hard word for EVERYTHING... that  we are subject to be it molecular or any for of energy or other quantum waveform or whatever the fuck it is in ...reality....which doesnt actually matter because here is the only equation anyone needs to ever know: if human beings grew up/ evolved...with some 'it' as environmental factor... make any change and there will be negative consequences...almost always... )

'environment' = at last at last !!! certain speakers are going over to the correct word "systems"  (even on Putin i see last.. there is no one 'Putin'  - he is part of a cabal a is any politician  who has power)

there are MANY systems in the human shaped sack of wiggly stuff...  incidentally much of that wiggly stuff, or a mass of 'entities' if one will, we don't even really understand. 

And then in all those wigglers there are a whole RANGE of systems  - some we havent yet discovered, many we only partly understand like the melatonin system which clearly is more than what gives a tan - in fact may well be part of the  'immune' system in ways we dont yet understand...

In short... anyone who encourages any human behaviour which diverges from that which the biome is evolved over 500 thousand years - and in fact parts of our biome go back many many millions of years, is no better than a Nazi genocidere...

Because take sunshine, made up of AT LEAST,  UV and infra red... absolutely tons of the stuf.. far far more than some silly expensive redlight cabin can provide...  we evolved to be IN it a LOT of the time.... indeed most of the time... and  the exposure of the human pile of wigglers to both has reduced by about 95% + the last 200 years...

And you cannot get it out of a bottle or pill. 

Because....drum roll.... i understand the very very latest particle fizzics...  both Lee Smolin's versions of string theory... And that wonderful chap himself in late 2020 or may have been 21 (with Keating - great interview) said " i may well have spent my whole life on writing about utter bollocks.. reality [and the fundamental 'particles'  - even if many now say there arent any, there are only possible waveforms depending on which side of the bed you sleep on] may be completely different to the models we write books about... just be nice to your family and loved ones.. thats all i actually KNOW" 

drum roll: we dont actually KNOW what even simple sunshine is made of - i mean what is really in it, what it does,  how it interacts with various 'systems' we have within us some we may not have understood or discovered yet.

Ergo - best example, if one had made  a program 30 years ago about the nice little simple robin using quantum entanglement to find the birdtable...well one couldn't have made that program as one would have been thought clinically insane to even dream such. And yet every teenager in the world is now taught it as basic biological fact. 

Ohh ive digressed ...and if i am to start essaying again ..or assaying...or just trying to entertain ... i must do it fully and properly this time, and those versions will not be here. Here is for real people, only. Maybe... they 'are'?

wanna get healed, or even be living in the moment, mindful?

It works, and is free! in fact if you are good there could be stipends or even wages.  And a by product is you stop thinking about irrelevent things like thrush or fungis which can go one for years and years and then one day just decide its bored of you and fuck off to some other human shaped sac more excitingor at least that s what the trick it plays on you is, because its still there but if you are 'distracted' into thinking of something that actually MATTERS and you may be able to do something about rather than waste thousands of frauds' potions (including almost all traditional mainstream 'medicine') 

get involved... equal sidekick needed. ..must have sense of humour as anyone 'working' for the libdem vote  - only way brexit can be back in parliament ... they must go from 10 to 20ish percent then maybe they can blackmail... will need one. 

oh yes nearly forgot punchline... 

but didnt

thats mindful

And believe me it is. A 'mindful' policy - way of BEing that is forged in the steel of many knifes in the back over twenty years...and certainly since FAcebook was invented: once you are a grown up - generally are about 45, and really have looked at moral issues from all perspectives, and kind of know what is 'right' and wrong.... and then also know what is a practicable necessity, and what not....such a sif one is to make any headway on environmental projects or even reverse anti enlightenment brexit, one needs a small group of allies...more or less on the same page, come what may... in it for at least the medium term... and heres the big bit...drumroll: act as if the things you know should come to pass... obviously.. the 'right' things such as people answering nice emails about genuinely useful projects.... even after dithering years and ego battling, at last see sense and do join up on the same side...  the side incidentally they endlessly speak about being on but never DO anything....act as if thise things WILL happen./.. those simple straightforward time immemorial standard ways forward....acct no matter what knives thrown at the if the good/ right thing comes to pass - checking it isn't too tyrannical or narcissistic, obviously...act as if it will matter what... even if there is zero chance in this and the next universe the way folk have become....

..keep on acting in that matter no matter what (occasionally throwing in of course a little of the Einstein definition of madness, in other words one tack doesnt work try another...  

and even when not one other person falls in step... one has the splendid mindfulness technique in ones back pocket of "oh well did best... not my fault if everyone else is a lost fraud..." 

And there is your 'healing' in one simple technique - fab stuff works, yours for free... 

And if she kills you, the trying... you will be dying happy of a stroke at all the ...well who knows....., too. 

REALLY groovy new dimension thanks the historically moronic newest prime minister..makes working on what next a true joy, now.. when everyone else stops moaning.

Sidecick required.