Wednesday 19 October 2022

The problem with the 'left'

 rit a few nights ago

notes on essay soon

Now. I don't plan to restart my ace essays just yet.

Although they are underway in another place, with the one true nihilist. Mister Punjabber. And have been, it feels like, forever. Even if we only met a quarter of a decade ago. And what person can say - consistently, every morning, especially this one at my customary 05.20 (is that what intimidates them?), the most glorious imaginable 1/4 of a decade any person can have?

Today simply because of another Black Swan moment in the twilight at the river bank lastereve. Having realise that I can most happily manage to not trouble my bank account even for a winter bath, this is paradise.

Please note that at LAST ... someone with some 'authority' stops blaming Tories and other proto Ayn Randites... 

"THE LEFT" - that is in the provinces ANYONE who is not a confirmed Tory... as especially in rural areas strategic voting literally IS voting... 

"THE NOT-TORIES... never ever ever cooperate ......just bitch, backstab, [or worse]....assume ..[bad, of someone they dont know as they rudely ignore the friendly message about the cuppa date they had previously suggested was going to happen] ....  . and THEY are to blame" 

funny thing is i have a decade of very interesting recordings  - treble backed up...super secure...  about the ordinary real people...and their endless quite quite unarguable  Ragged Trousered Philanthropist utter cant vanities and disingenuities...

yet every single one thinks they are the most righteous person ever extant, especially if one reads their facebooks...

(tip: dont....i never do)

All the girls LOVE Yannis (fact) ... he agrees with me... but STILL paints it as some official 'political' trait - nope its just ordinary fucking ordinary like civic society 'clubs'... being ignorant snotty mean-minded and very nasty to each other and.. they are the '"left" ... 

Fascism: The Radical Centre's Last Resort

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