Thursday 20 October 2022


makes an ass out of you, and me

And as this became almost all of modern so called communication, we are finished..

Now, as one may communicate, but of course no one can actually ever think,  " i barrack a tad, because i wish to challenge [you - but we cannot say that] to do a little better, BECAUSE I LIKE YOU fuckwit... and / or I have a solution!"

And although the second - or at least the first, well i don't know really her actual character, though that smouldering look September three years ago at the show... she knew i was watching her, and i think she liked it...
Me, i wasn't so sure any more the money that had obviously just been spent on the new hairdo... she knew though that my comments regarding her sinewy arms, were the real thing unlike her fake colouring.. why, of course the smouldering cheery look.
But she was too young...i supose.then. Unless some major rent6in society might have taken place, which in 2019 was never  ever never in a million years going to happen...

Now, that is an incomplete tale of a woman who simply changed my whole life  - only one other really has done that..i lie, two.
I lie again, three if we include smiley. Four in truth. 

But life stories are dull. 
This story is not.

The  aforementioned 'solution' having been not only discovered quite by accident sat in a layby the only time in many years i was feeling a tad truly skew - all that summer of 2019 having to keep up witth will there be an election, and will it be as much about returning to enlightenment values " he fuckin said "REFORM AND REMAIN ...what bit of that you too thick to GET!?"And magnificent Zoe Williams of the Guardian and Prospect said thats what he her for gods sake...

So, by summer 2019 one is a little losing the will to live... and then one day driving between fascists little bits of land one would tend, ..." fuckerooney she can't she or isnt she...  sunbleached hair like that must be out of a ottle... oh well lets call her The HArmony Hairspray girl....  with a nice smile, bet its fake like all the rest.."

Until, three further layby or slowly passing in very narrow lane incidents later " SHIT....ALL THIS INTERNAL RENTING...BUT SHE....SHE ALONE...MAKES MY FEEL NICE... EVEN HAPPY... AND ME WITH MY NEON ALERGY TOO... NOPE... SOMETHING ABOUT HER..." 
that should be in lowercase i didnt realise twas upper,  but THIS laptop aint got word where you can do a quick switch so tough titties.... even if in fact it is probably the most important thought i have had for a decade 

And how quickly one got from there to ...

" all our naughty wotsappling our respective muckheaps we work in... my my ... when i even see a lump of yours i stop and want to build a shrine to it, as you know i adore you so fact only one makes me smile too...."

trigger warning, girls, a REAL woman takes a compliment like that and understands it immediately - within context especially,  and wants more... 

That said,  talk about in the paradise summer of 2020 us having that sublimest talk ever in her front garden, husband retired hurt...

That said, talk about a year laster - lasteryear.. realising her story that of course began as we rode side by side her putting me on the biggest maddest and most abused murdercunt ever in her stables... later that year, just as the election was happening in 2019,  is simply the very best parable ever in respect of not knowing the future....
And also eetig a true women whom transcends all silly prideful coyness " I...truth is I am too selfish...i would love one, but   there simply is no way ever i can suspend all my various nagging activity for a year.... nothing is ever going to stop me with my winter program and summer showjumping... nope... another lifetime i may have been one.."

But then only 9 months ago to have said to her so perfect face once more " the women i have regaled... no names of course...but shared that story Smiley...  what you shared with me the day of our ride and then a year later ... well, what could have come to pass... it is the ultimate parable....  about us foolish beasts knowing our future for sure...see you maybe next week..."