Sunday 30 October 2022

GREAT mental health in your forever grey little shopping aisle

 Me off to the sunny vibrant coloured little "movement TOWARDS socialism" land of  real women soon....nothing to do with me.I know when i meet a whole people who's smiles are real

Mad idea, especially as i live in a region of truly anodyne 'conservative - small c though they would beat you up for saying so, so anodyne....lazy folk, absolutely guaranteed to have elicited a punch or two - or as most communicants female, a slap or stab in the back:

"mad... and anyway talking about 'politics' guaranteed to damage even slightly interesting latent 'friendships'....  but as i care, though remember NOT to show it....i know the politicians are far far too terrified of the b word to ask...  'electoral suicide' ...but then 75ish%  were pro EU ... and EEA would do just fine for now...maybe in fact a better plan....  if somehow they could see some 'movement' that is totally authentic...not rigged, not manipulaed.... if they saw that a load of self serving middle aged people in  swingy regions even.... anodyne dull regions where everyone knows 'Worcester Woman' is going to say ' oh my god are you nuts....we aint goin through another few years of THAT again..'..but then its a good way to chat up Lou again.... so i will....ask just er and if she says nope...forget forever...."'

she said nope. 10 days ago.

To my surprise being a book woman.

 But then i am a fool and liar to myself and why did J come along that next morning....cos the other 9 have now said rather passionately " too bloody right...we need to get this done not afraid of another year of THAT if that's what it will take.  ."

 SO what is the moral of the story: i am a twat and should have known to take first answer as the bible.

so, what is maybe a million people  - maybe all over 40, maybe all had just one simple qualification ? mustv read maybe 10 goodish realbooks of lit in their life' or is that too 'elitist' for tis dumbed down little abyss of an Aisle?

Anyway something that looks authentic....

somehow asking and recording each person asks 10 people they know around them face to face...

not one person i know is a zealot or fanatic about anything (unfortunately - i mean about the good things of course like the environment...)

And 9 out of ten to my utter shock, quite UNLEAD by me...hear recordings below they are all like those already up here,  i must put the rest up....

so if the politicians could somehow be shown in an authentic way that in fact a decent chunk of the population are not going to have a breakdown or even divorce in the case of my 3 women friends remainers who shag exiters, if brexit went back on the tote slip...well...i think they may have LICENSE to... try it

dafter things have in fact worked.... but it MUST NOT BE WEB BASED... it must be human... we only trust humans.... a million humans saying something cannot be faked or all be bots...

or even a million humans each finding 10 other humans to have their say too?  

big logistical to somehow showcase it. But not impossible....and there are NO other issues we cannot afford social care for all, nor nurseries for all.... fait accompli


which is an attempt to rif more succinctly on post  a couple of days ago the 'one question' malarkey i began writing up here and has several live questionisngs on the page.

More to ADD SOON.

i can set up a new website in 20 seconds flat.

Will set up one quite quite specifically confined to my one idea on this one question malarkey if anyone else is on board with me...