Wednesday 14 September 2022

"smiley rider"

 December 2019

Rarely are times important never mind dates. But prey tell this your children... as the ultimate fable. (all credit Mister Taleb and his Black'un as usual)

On our date. oops, ride out...

with Miss Harmony Hairspray..(not a can in sight, pure sun-bleached hat) we don't yet know if said horsey one is married.

" see  look...if you can get off yours for just five minutes out of ten even now... you are in my contacts as 'Smiley Rider' ... i don't lie.."

" i like that... " not a lie

"so... ehh... now I know you really are a goodun....I mean that was grown up. That was 'tough love', you get me on this biggest fucker of them all knowingi wish to show off to you which of course got all us chaps into trouble but this time....abused or not...PJ and i best friends.... and you in one fell swoop dealt with all my qualms, these ferkin mindfulness and wellness wimmin would have had me on a ten year course of 50 quid an hour therapy for.... you would be the only one woman i would ever trust to raise a child PROPerly....  

"well shame im indoors is usually so drunk he doesnt do the housework even when you were confined wit the paralytic virus...whatwasitagain..terminal laminitis..?  tssk tssskkk not even a cup of soup you in bed a week paralised....for natural reasons... anyway nowt as queer as folk us teetotals  know....  so...look....i mean i have to ask....I know you are the most lovely sane [ clip clop... 'aww mate i love you' pat pat] inteligent woman i have ever met even if even you cant stop texting for 100% of this lovely do `you....  and you take nothing to heart.... it is all only on what we DO....  but why i have to ask you why ...havent you DOE he baby thing..?" (one doesnt need to preface 'sorry to be intrusive' with REAL women..who like themselves, and other humans never mind nags)

"well.. its like this...I am just TOO selfish.... my friend i told you she didnt stop riding and had her fall with still six months to go, out came a not so bright spark six months later... 

"i ... well, summer jumping stuff...and all winter me running the as you say toffs out all day with a hip flask just so they can shag young women, or at least dream about it in their red garb.. while pretending not to kill poor foxes..

" would like to...but... if he were sober enough.. thats the first hurdle but the real one is a whole year off... nope i am too selfish i can't not ride six months never mind a whole another lifetime maybe"

the beating faster of a man's heart as he hears a woman tell the actual truth.

And nine months later, stood again with her, in her empty nag yard,  in the glorious year of even L**** has no one to text and has all the time in the world to pass the time of day with a passing cyclist daily up hill and down dale as she often waves smiling to....with the best arse for miles...

"so.... are you enjoying your whole YEAR off... i saw a sign saying yard closed due rules and regs...and horses all off at high mountain pasture for the year having a whole year off... oh your smile is even more radiant than ever now you arent squinting at your silly phone batting off hunt sab emails... ohh i am so so so glad you are enjoying the holiday...have a real one...go to the beach, but..............................................................................................................................................................................................................."

And i have so many pictures of the one woman who keeps smiling no matter what.

And is an example to any woman, ehhh... how to...

to be cont

  i am sure i forgot a few punchlines there but as i dart here and there writing in my head 

And in the summer always  am addicted to only ever being sat outside in the sun.....where i cannot see the zscreen for typos and bad bits....rather than writing drivel everyone too mad to read and actually 'get'...

well, it wont be perfect


pedestal on standby


you never know.

That Heron Man wrote a great song...about turnin' around

Problem is no one ever ever thinks wisdom, and lessons from other real people,  may apply to them, too 

In fact now i come to have time to think about it. Yes important dots to join, left out...

especially about how not even HE listened to a fellow human being,...his one and only request...