Wednesday 7 September 2022

fake country women

 horrid Miss Oh Jennyist sounding title.

Nope, a lifetime..

observing (even if 15 years in the fleshpots and MOST sophisticated circles all over tghe world... and the shanty towns and doing aid flights to REALpeople starving......tip leave  all that especially the glamour by 30..35 latest..or they have you for life)

(all writing until Oct or Nov everywhere i doodle, first draft -  written very fast - non stop fast typing often on a laptop battery about to discharge  at 5am in the dark predawn with no light living ff grid... - every second counts..- not checked for tie poes or grammah... will do soon)

I would never even hint at the  behaviour or 'reality' of any person under the age of 40. Because one only starts to actually grow up around then - if one ever does. Tip - being a  no one, nowhere.. Herman Hesse among others with NOTHING to gain from you, taught us is when we grow up - or start to. Because dealing with the knowledge that all modern life of being 'someone' is nothing. 

And only 40 something does one also maybe begin to accept the history of ones actual life rather than the newspeak versions  (I do have many incontrovertible  examples of their fraud.. there is a picture of one of them in her sports car from just this summer, on my artistic poetical sites. I have known her 20years... and her kids....and as her legal advisor  - volunteer, i know exactly what the horrible financial attacks on her by a London man owning rural hospitality spots, and then by her on others around despite her perfect earth mother credentials, are..because i offered to help... but she to much herself to even believe in natural justice...she writes songs about for money and fraudulent crowdfunds implying she is a charity" when she has no such registration... in summer 2020...Houellebecq couldnt have made it up its so gorgeously Houellebecq )

But as a quick starter...for ten.

Maybe ten of them - fifty years ago i had to tolerate the first wave my parents had been part of; albeit one has gratitude of course for being taken to the absolute middle of nowhere in very hilly North wales, i saw over the years endless fakes. And sadly they were almost all female. My own mother chief fake of all. (nope not Freudian - just fact).

Taking on via Laura Ashley then  more hippy chic an aesthetic that spoke of only being in tune with nature - these wealthier families had moved into.    The whole spin operation about their wonderful new rural existence.

And yet so interesting how (even if at that age for their children it felt like a lifetime - much of a childhood in fact), every single one of maybe ten families known in the region - their tribe.. their clique...all based on Laura and Ashley .. and laughing at The Good Life on TV...

(they should have turned off Reggie Perrin - he taught me how to live!)

All fake. So few of the women of the houses ever actually got their hands dirty. And ten every one within 7 or 8 years..certainly by ten, has scarpered back to live within commuting distance of Harvey which they could never actually  move on from their addiction matter what lies came out of their mouths i the interim.

So what?!

But viability in rural places for those without property speculation cash in their banks is at least over periods of 20 reality longer as one needs to raise ones children to be 'backup'  - looking after the ferrets or rescue hedgehogs, in the event of divorce, penury or worse...

And the honest truth is that unless that way of life - not being othered by shit and mess which IS nature...  enjoying a sweaty day sweating in the fields with ones scythe..

if that is not inside a person in their teens ... it never ever will be. As i have observed twenty years.

And they all...every one...scuttles back to be near the shops...

Except the men - although many having been deserted by Mrs Good Life hit the bottle, or worse... those remaining partly sane end up insane through loneliness as many more men than women stay of after the Good Life wasnt so good for their marriage.. 

because they simply never had rural life inside them in the first place

And its so easy to run away from what was never actually you in the first place.

so it all comes down to (for 'sustainability' ) one simplest question: is the woman  content with a life of cities no more... of course someone may visit sometimes, even go on long round the world trips which inevitably means lots of city time in transit..

The man (never me) may take on fake 'country' activities to keep him falsely linked to the 'rural' - sports hunting shooting or fishing (as against what SOME call essential culling to retain a 'natural' balance between species - me i would save every ant and butterfly ..there is always a way...every life is a unique precious gift...even my dodgy mother....and I AM a real ecosystems expert). Or more often these days  - though shooting birds for fun is more popular than ever ..he will take up 'off roading'... if he is a ex city lower class spiv it will be rallying motorbikes etc...if he is an ex Notting ill spiv it will be being seen around in his £50,000 antique 70 year old Land Rover... its extraordinary how many more of those one sees nowadays...since Nottingill all ran away from their  weirdo sex and smartdrug parties as 2020 went along..of curse they also need to be seen at dreadful Glastonbury or trendier smart people summer festivals in said fake homespun vehicle.. (i k w where they spend 30 grand on a tart up..."new chassis please my good man but make sure it doesnt LOOK newly rebuilt...")

Anyway he has things that keep im occupied connected to his colour supplement rural life once shes fucked off to be nearer Nicks..or the Chester 'Rows' shops. He stays around far more often. And thus the rural lands are full of ..well, lots of blokes no idea what they want ...

And they bully..and most end up alcy.. or worse...

Good job one can smell them a mile away and never has owt to do with.. especially as so many develop a sort of glarey eye  way which says keep away from me... and prevents THEM from ever being involved with the 'community' they'll write about on their Facebook as sufferingand they suffer as they never actually assist their community... eve if its full of even more broken down versions of that is what being human actually is. Even here...