Wednesday 7 September 2022

Indeed no one worth a 'title'...

two last videos today

No willies this time. Lots of lost lambs though

and what happens? In a country town...working.... as so often now even in very rural outreaches, for London big money.... that didn't actually get made in London...  or anywhere anyone can ever trace; of no interest to me, only pity. However to be within 30 minutes on the job - total Reggie Perrin meets Basil ... once again emergency legal aid  - unpaid, is required for yet another who didn't listen, mothers ruin ruins mothers.... of young ones. And it is so tragic i think i really must run away.  There are NO  nonpsychodramatically inclined folk left...period.

Adjusting finally (and so easily) to the final 'give up' paradigm, which is jolly good for creativity, too, i shall here doodle a little, on that simplest theme - from five years ago a range of lovely rural easygoing balanced  existences have been available to a sidekick, equal.  Some in simply gorgeous spots and i know how to make sure Her Ladyship fucks off back to Fortnums online, and leaves her serf alone,  when she isn't buying her Trustifarian son his drugs and ending up in the paper for it, and thuis her tumbledown secret garden, became share with some trusty plantswoman who didn't need to know much more than how to shovel manure and do a bit of weeding... in glorious paradise. Nope...not possible to find anyone content wth that, even when one makes it crustal clear that i work when I am NOT working, meaning if i am on duty writing or rattling out some poetry, that always takes priority and in fact even more so, her greenhouse so warm mid winter became my office when I wanted to work in it on my work to MY schedule... her work to pay for my incidentals, is done around MY work... and anyone else could have also benefited from such hard won respect from these folk...cos they know whe they see a diligent digger or fixer on duty...

I shall finish those stories - sort of. They i am quite sure wont attract an official publisher, whereas other things i sort of do sort of will for sure...

shame; as in fact this existence was always by far the truly most interesting. And that no one else can do it - the version WITHOUT expensive tool holsters that look good on yer facebook, infact the version without 'workboots' being they smell and digging the muck in crocks and washing it all out under the tap means you dont smell...and your feet breathe healthily....even in midwinter.

I have so many bits and bobs of film here and there - far far more than that on

BUT the 'order' of publishing is not as they are listed on the youtube  channel  - a load were not published at the time - feeling coy - fuckit let it all out now...

the order is in the title - the date is in the file name

youtube Ralph Rural

 which i only started when under the weather with a dodgy chest simply to once more believe....and its great to know now there was never any point anyway.