Wednesday 7 September 2022

An Installation, rather than a 'blog'.

Several decades I have been pursuing a life ONLY based around psychologically healthy existence for child.

That said - any sane person knows that, belying 'law' of children in lost UK  - which i became national expert on - for rather amusing unplanned reasons, to provide a psychologically healthy environment for a child the parent, or other carer must also inhabit a psychologically healthy paradigm.

From twenty years ago i began to see that the latter necessity, was going into reverse for the great majority. In fact awful 'newspeak'  - or a language (and they always create ways of thinking as Wittgenstein rightly found later in his life) based around early 'New Age' 'philosophy' -  the least 'philosophical' age in modern history methinks, spread out to the rural areas with the waves of sybaritic 'good life' seekers. That makes them sound like beautiful 'lotus eaters'; the truth is far from that - the great majority being people with chequered pasts who had sharp elbowed their way in cities to enough money to buy a country home. Especially as the cost rocketed from the mid 00s,  sharp practice is almost by default the prerequisite to that pot of gold. And many of course will have been involved in fraudulent activity. A harsh word for cheating, or not being the nice model out of the Guardian Colour Supplement  they style themselves on when arriving in my stix...

I say 'my' stix because there are two types of rural dwellers - certainly in UK. Those who decided to run from toxic cities BEFORE they had found their way in society as a mature more esteemed and powerful operator  - i.e. largely left the metropolises by mid 30s, and started their actual adult life away from cities in the peace and tranquillity of the rural fringes where its the opposite of sleepy (for them) in that the ENERGY one has away from noise and other pollution means one can actually be far more dynamic. The second group arrive into middle age, having created themselves in cities and places of many people where commerce  and all their noise and chemical residue are,  and  with their often in fact stolen pots of gold.  They then go to sleep. Only deep down interested in their past. And interested in no ones future.

Many also clog up environmental and other operations that are necessary good works in rural areas. From river and wildlife protection, to GENUINE small scale social enterprise meaning for example providing REAL mentoring to younger people into modern work practice, or just into the best of culture - provincial education usually being simply appalling.

By clog up i mean that because they are lonely, and often in fact are people who have very clogged up consciences -  from a past  down South or the like, where they may have perjured themselves to stitch someone else up for financial gain through the legal system (rather common i have discovered over the years), or as often messed up wealthy family backgrounds and they take a pay off to piss off - even if beyond the payers grave. So they join local groups - all of which are only cliques,   where they virtue signal some trendy concern. In fact all environmental groups i have ever known are gatherings of middle aged fat people to meet and eat cake and thereby get even fatter. And smile at each other that ultra righteous smile of the chosen few, who when they then get ill cannot even chose to live more healthily - for example walk a lot in the hills, as this is scientifically  a real way of enhancing bodily systems.

In fact just a  few days ago there was a rare excellent radio 4 science program on 'latest findings' around arthritic diseases....

GUESS WHAT FOLKS... nope all we knew about supposed incurable problems with joints and even  sports injuries that develop into chronic pain and disability - essentially is bullshit. It seems that there are 'systems' - shorthand word for a multitude of concurrent actions ongoing every moment in a human body which regulate immunity, and tweak bits of the body which are going wonky.  Not only do we NOT yet understand them, the real tragedy is that because researchers into these fascinating topics are almost always themselves nervy townies, working late into the night in labs or office blocks with little more than a striplight, they will NEVER tell you - most likely reason that you have supposedly physical age related arthritic and other cartilage type issues and joint because you stay inside most of the day - away from natural UV AND importantly naturally occurring other forms of light (or energy) such as infra red light, when your body is designed by millions of years of evolution to REQUIRE these things in the 'environment' (= out side) for your systems to work well for as long as possible. Few people of the bush or savannah get arthritis. 

And there will never be a 'pill' r expensive gadget or even artificial machine replicating inside, the outside,  for the necessary correction as there is hundreds of times more energy - UV or IR and other forms we have yet to understand...outdoors, compared to anything available indoors. This isn't hocus pocus. This is simply basic science.  And anyone offering any man made 'healing' or 'remedial'  machine gadget or potion, doesnt do basic science. And is a con artist. (As Patrick Holford was shown to be mid 00s before his kind  - through their PR team arms, essentially 'bought' all constructive critique - one used to find in The Guardian, no more... of their crappy unscientific snake oil factories)


Healthy psychological environment for children means yes as science states they should eat dirt as much as possible in their early years - it tunes as nature DESIGNED IT so.. their immune systems for the whole rest of their lives.  Chlorine or other similar chemicals in public swimming pools acts completely against that natural required process.

Ditto for parents, sleeping at NIGHT (there is no such thing as a 'night person'  - get yourself a few months in the slammer unlawfully - against Austrian Convention and try telling the night porter who comes and opens you up at 7am you are a 'night person' and won't be down for beaky til lunchtime and you will lose weight very quickly).

plenty of outdoors, plenty of moving around outdoors; but most important of all, knowing we cannot control our destinies, and we will never know what our destiny is until we just DO it... but it is never what it says on the tin if it truly is nourishing.  An essay for another day. But one woman only ever who i met seemed to understand this - the SPIRIT.. comes from taking on greed and cruelty - otherwise known as the standard modern capitalist model. And injustice of course  - though the powers that be will fuck you up the back one if one is too successful in that department. But you will never know exactly how they have..

That is called life. And living it even if it kills you, also seems to have some rather good little biochemical side effect (books Sickening Mind Martin, or the LIFE of a fighter who despite turning into a silly billy  the crack lived her average lifespan or just under - in fact if one amortises in a decade on the very bad drug and doubtless other terrible lifestyle matters, arguably she lived quite a few years longer than her notionally allotted time ... because she had balls of steel  - in a way that actually does OOD in the cons...and they seem to have a curious biochemical effect of in time allowing a real smile rather than the bollocks fake ones which spread like pandemic )

Anyway i digress.

It is an 'installation' in that for seven years i have roamed far and wide enquiring - very face to face..if there is anyone, especially female - as we need them as wives girlfriends helpmeets ... who really DOES wish almost entirely that healthier good life. And rural life, unless one arrives as incomer with a pot of stolen gold from some poor  ex lesbian wife you perjured yourself against within a whisp of her life, down South, or live of the of your thieving husband who still spends more time in London as the truth is he prefers hookers who satisfy his kinky tastes ...though your Facebooks never tell us that truth. I have only pity for them. But know that ordinary modest people with humbler lives require TWO per property (and vehicle) at least, to make it financially viable...or sustainable..

But it seems the newspeak the new age nonsense.. the "dont judge" brigade...  the newthink - all of which came out of transcendental and GOOD movements in the 60s and 70s pondering more people centred or naturalistic ideologies, all became corrupted into something rather cultish and only for the gain of an in group...who gain nothing as they sit indoors on expensive "Diamond way" meetings and courses... where they 'learn' to never judge... yet as soon as someone even hints at the above REALITIES of rural life one is judged too fucking bad news for them to continue even a conversation...hahh hahh..


got em all..


Now, being i care - especially for children, environmental stewardship not for radio 4 or Facebook, but for maintaining habitat for birds and bees.... i started my wanderings to see if there was just one authentic person wandering my rural fringe..

And i met many - especially on mountain tracks even if we have no mountains i speak of Offa's dyke trails up and down the hills..etc...

And Rural Ralph was for them to carry on some seemingly good chats we had.... invite them back. Show them the best of nature - i lived in it 25 years in three spots around and about.  Take part, even!

Nope...not ne ever... said what the mean and meant what they said...

even on the hills. Meaning if one is alone up on the hills chatting with someone over a style or on a walk the rules are what you say there and DO mean...

And thats bad. But because i roam the hills not even that truly apocalyptic crisis ...gets me down... thats WHY one lives rurally - to have it all in matter what.

And this - 'installation' will be written up and there is LOTS of film and recorded audio, as a now over stand alone testament to... 

rural areas are no longer viable. Because it takes least... if you wish anyone other than London management agents  (managing land and farming which is almost entirely financialised' now) and rich people who inherit or steal buckets of cash to... be in it.

And i have rather a lot of undercover...footage... that roves they dont give a fuck about TRULY allowing wild habitats...wild animals...  to have their fare share. Dot believe a word of their stewardship and wildlife management  PR and spin.. because over time thats all it is.

As i will show...

I have another site too with rather more direct evidence...

if it were seen - only one person knows my name connected with that site, i would be ver very badly hurt.

Butt is time now - the be free.

smileything (always here even at 4am today )