Tuesday 1 November 2022

MINE is the one 'true' religion

 As i often say to folk " my religion is only EGGY BREAD" it must be true

And as my very best, maybe only, 'friend' is a very brown man with whom every day we clash verbal swords upon the highest pinnacle of (platonic) love  ...

and he especially is sick to the back teeth of the cant and vanities of the 'woke' language as he knows it failed...

sorry i know wat i am talking about.

ANyway  - for the assumers...which makes an ass out of you and me,  in Bolliv[onewprd]istan.com icall for laodsa suposedly brown immos.. cos they drink less in general and thats far far far safer in the medium term as i know the place is crawling with even more white, dangerous, alcies than ever before... they had fuck all else to do in your 'pandemic' than drink themselves to death or worse a living one...

so "fuck off back to the stone age" means please come over our seas to help us...


in a land of sane lore 

We would have the following extremely rational one.

Mosques and ALL other so called places of 'worship'..cathedrals, JW halls......build as many as you wish 

except we will bring in an NHS Tax..(silly brits  who dont understand is get outside and WALK a lot... love that one) 

very simple bands

akin to counciltax

'churches' that require you to be inside a lot AND wear loads of clothing ..highest tax band - very very punitive rates

as denying a human loads of vitamin D makes the human far far more likely to need loadsa NHS

and sliding scale - cathedrals will be about midway... NO good sunlight inside and silly dog collars ... for some...

And ... obviously any shamanistic stuff in a tent is included but very low band...

that short sort out...

oh yes on the rhetoric: "we had a VERY overtly skyfairy believing Prime Minister once...and even his own spin doctors dont deny his lies cost many hundreds of thousands of Irqi lives...arguably created IS nutjobs... " ehh  theres a lovely short word: ERGO!

religion should stay only in the bedroom...period...and any religion thinks periods are unclean should be banned too  

thats called growing up and getting with the program: evolution.