Sunday 9 October 2022

word police

A work in progress. As yesterday was the LAST day of the sunny days, when any sane person who actually DOES care about their 'health'  should be out in it, and this unable to use writing machinery (i never ever do at night - that keeps you up the rest of the night and then you are buggered for the rest of the next day too) 

 This morning at dawnish,  LAST video for now - it takes to long to upload etc....

Anyway it is my photos and 'interviews' the last 7 years that are really interesting... will get under your skin...

anyway the WORDS... thing is one awakes as i day every day at dawn and Sundays are almost always best 

Something Understood

today called 'footloose'

thing is for the first time EVER innit was my fave word - there are TWO versions helpmeet and helpmate..

and unusually as they have ruined English the yankee web gives a hilarious defn 

  1. a helpful companion or partner, especially one's husband or wife.
    "she acted as his pleasant but by no means uncritical helpmate"

i adore that "by no means uncritical.." it is PARADISE in words..

it makes me smile

BUT nevertheless pondering today does it imply unequal? to me it has always meant fully equal .. helpmeet is mutual...

but maybe people would think its a sort of slave luggage carrier (i have none..)

i tell you one thing its a far saner word than 'soulmate' as when one of them fucks you up the arse and makes lying false allegations in the press ... well believe me you are heart-fucked forever...

until you realise even Richard Bah who coined the term was a fraud (i know a friend of his - he is a total fraud... as he will be told today at last after 7 years).


my real 'art' is roaming for 7 years taking photos of the true poignant stories to be found that you wont find in tourist version or estate agents version of the rural hinterland getaway places - of the actual real rural ways - ehh.. not the pretty ones.  Think the (in word pictures, figuratively) the picture of the napalmed Vietnamese naked girl... well i do that... here because figuratively it may as well be napalm the absolute defoliation of community family et al...
especially due the appalling parenting of endless immigrant narcissists  who are too busy on their hair to notice yes here there are loadsa horrid drugs too that have driven their kids psycho....right under their noses... 
probably so busy saving up for a nose job they dont see thjat either..

all cos of..


Unless you are the nice one i sort of met

This is not a "blog".

All it is - or was... as in the thought 7 years ago, was to collect stories, and moreso meetings and discussions with the very very few folk encountered rambling the region (20 mile circle) who still had a genuine rural zen.  Balance, and bright eyes.

Don't like the word 'zen' as it has been coopted by the usual suspects - 75% + female i am a afraid, who on their Southern money (or as one simply says "money from off")  - and so so often on HIS money from off that they pretend they don't need until there is a 2 grand repair bill for their fancy 4x4 they dont actually need as they live in a twee little village that has nothing to do with 'rural'. They coopted these words - especially the absurd modern iteration 'mindfulness' for cash. I have seen so many - at first they will post a little on their Facebooks,  or far more inhumanely will during a conversation in the town say "you can't say that" - and my my they hate 'generalisations'.
If one says as i do " all environmentalists have failed [ they generally pretend to be an environmentalist for facebook likes]..the rivers  Wye Teme Arrow Lugg..are sterile... oh that includes me by the way i have failed to find a way to work with the likes of YOU who so took over everything and pretend you care about the rivers but actually never ever DO anything..except waste my time feigning interest and then ghosting any nice polite follow-up.."
or  " every woman i have known arrive in this region, who isn't confirmed 'working class' within a few years has in fat set herself up with a shop or other commercial outlet in one of the large rich towns 20 miles East (eg Ludlow) selling crap to status tourism "

One will hear angrily "ohh you horrid person you just generalise"

to which nowadays i have gorgeous rhetoric in response which means they hate one even more "  sweet mindful, sister...[one lingers on 'sister' looking mindfully into her eyes]  dear  yoga preaching goddess with great mindfulness,  generalising is a key part of civilisation, i mean a 100 years ago when your fair sex were in the news as maybe deserving a vote, i am quite quite sure in the men's smoking clubs and whorehouses of Pall Mall  some or other more civilised chappie could be heard stating ' generally speaking i do think if we allow them the vote they wont all immediately be voting for the Monster Raving Loony party..' "...

and then they (these modern day fascists - as that  is what they are  - " you are inferior a race to me" is what fascism is) ghost one forever even standing in the same queue in the same small shitty supermarket everyone must use sooner or later. You don't exist. Even if they NEVER did hahh hahh..

Anyway there is no hope. A wise person  - i am afraid we have to say 'man' as only rural balance makes one genuinely wise,  knows when THEY took over everything. They bought everything on 'his' filthy Southern lucre almost always connected with the worst side of capitalism - spivvy financialization otherwise known as Ponzi schemes, commissions from ripping off the tax payer, etc. In fact i have been working the last month for an actual cult of female ones who bought  a large local property to supposedly ....ehh we arent sure what... nor are they as their tablets havent got an app that tells them  how to ACTUALLY communicate like a human....and thus the other 8 humans around and about that work for them on min wage  - no taxes deducted as they wont pay PAYE,  find them inhuman...and have no loyalty whatsoever..

This is not a blog as online reading is not something anyone seems able to do for years. It is only notes for a maybe chronicle of the true truths of even rural regions where once we found quite down to earth and BALANCED people. 


oh and only those over 45 who take public money will ever in any way be identified at all whatsoever..... even if for 25 years i have been going around saying to myself " i never even MEET anyone whom isnt so shabby ...especially the fraudster Richard Booth..[ many of my few friends in the region also concur after they stop sucking up to him years for a slice of his defrauded fat pie... 500k+ stolen from your tax take..]. who one would wish to name and shame by name....such frauds..."

from the splendid days of when the sensitive didnt balk at REAL art... 
and real words
(my own mum was world champion... i'm allowed to say so, emotionally processed three decades ago.... i think i will set up a new biz how to deal with a fake with great joke therapy... god i will be richer than Creon...)

far more important

though ALWAYS every dawn for a decade i am a smiler...alwys..NO MATTER WHICH CURRENT FAKE IS AT HER FAKERY...
especially my last two employers ...or ettes (if they are?)

the tone matters - mine is within.... a true poem to it all....and i can rit them too!

that so gorgeous line " i made a shrew of my wife.."  
never mind the "nagging"  - the ultra compromise song -  i would even do that, put up with a BIT of that as long as they didnt stab when they realised no one ever ever ever an actually get to me....ever...  the finest getters at in history have tried...and i outlived them
And honour their valiant attempts.
A REAL country cunt... no one can ever get to....ever... because we have you, in perspective...  just a  small part - very small, in a far grander scheme of things