Sunday 9 October 2022


 Now this will sound 'orrid. Unless one can think.

The region of my roaming takes in several small towns of West Herefordshire.

In fact there are three small towns quite famous as deprived. Only because of archaic class structures (the greedy faux aristos grab everything and dont share - essay on that soon, with evidence of how shabby they are), and one is so deprived as all the Londoners ran away from London crying as of about 2016 and bought all the sheds. they never share either even if the share on Facebook how they are the Queens of sharing

Anyway one is pictured i believe in 2020 here or somewhere... the one and only woman in 'love' with due to her enjoyment of sunshine and also maverick little poise...for my camera. In her yellow one...


thank god for a lucky escape..

these are VERY expensively produced leaflets. 

There are NO youth clubs or after school facilities for teenagers in the whole region.

The cost of these leaflets would pay for  something for the ALIVE young people...

But no...a festival of what is DEATH for generally fat cake addicted middle aged women who would live longer (and i want them to!) if they stopped eating cake and also walked the hills of the region they came to make money off....selling crap like this...

(as a few now concur) 

Authenticity means....even if she hides...  and i would never bother naming any of these shabby people - seems she is one of the forces of nature behind this anti nature load of self pitying codswallop... thank god she didnt mean her flirting with me in the supermarket queue...  everyone else freaked out about death that spring except her and i...

all along she was just planning to make money from it... (they find a way even if 'free' events... they get funding from councils and rich mad nurtcases too..) 

clever girl!

authentic means even if she offered it now on a plate.... 

"sorry love...i only tolerate those who mean what they say... and want to live... a LOT longer"

 oh ps context... their text is CON... i do or did some real life saving (unpaid) social work.. trying to get mothers ruining their children with booze and drugs... legless or fucked up in front of teen 2020... even...  trying to get them to best help in country, me no mask me no rules me no reason not to .... no one else for MILES especially the churchy lot did one single thing at all to help ANYone in the 'community'...i know as i was roaming around looking for helpers...  and i have many recordings of especially Christian bigots - for years my sort of friends... never ever ever doing ANYTHING and even admitting so...

before 'helping' p3eople may try helping them live, first... what a joke...gfraud fake con...

time to retire forever

and cowrite the opera of their comedies with the only one person ever i knew who can actually laugh... Mister Punjabber...from Punjab even if he lies he is a half Pak