Wednesday 12 October 2022

the greatest of mindful 'awake'ness and zen 'awareness' of all is:


because i am sure this is in Plato, or maybe not..

I would have thought Socrates managed to know..

changing ones...mind

Is the most 'mindful' 'journey' to being 'aware' of what 'awake' means... especially when you know for 100% certain, as if she had kept to her first intention,  to hire me as goatherder...  as if you hadn't just met the man in charge of pressing the nuclear flip switch... that you MUIST NOT CONTINUER!!!

That the first is the one and only thing you ever wish, and the second the last.  And the first not happening, instead the second..

Never mind Mister fucking God (as photod here a few weeks ago - what a lying bastard and discovering hje hjas an even greater skill than being the greatest environmentalist of all time, being the greatest actor of all GIVE THE FUCK UP... stop. End... Not one second of good has come from your online or Facebook of hell...

And i know that nothing can ever ever ever change

And it is more insane than Doc Strangelove to not hide away ion a van with her all winter just her and i... 

Little Miss Braces that is...

BUt i also know that changing ones mind is the only way we develop into something what the fecks next...

Such as as a tramp hobo in middle of nowhere actually attempting to start a war even if of the pacifist variety between two 'countries'...

You go and end up...and he knows when he meets his match mister nuclear finger...

"matey dont punch me in the nose... you bigger than me even if i have a decade on you... i can guarantee you i know how to get her into the zone.... you may well you think you know what "The Sublime" is well....  i think you now know you do not, and i do.... and to get her there as you say that little squealing self promoter, Kennedy a pastiche...  not only never in the real zone, nor any real talent.....

... matey....your twenty year so called control of the world...matey... well as my nearly dead ex friend the jumbo captain even he said he knew he had his heart attack because he was him...matey... you may well think you an help her career but you are the exact opposite of what she needs to know about to enter the real zone...  there is NO control.. here is no knowing anything.. there is only knowing that one knows exactly what one wants, needs, and is capable of and then it all gets nuked away as if by your nasty little finger...  only by ending up so out of her nice little daddy in charge comfort zone  and in the LAST place she knows she must be ...will she is she really does have talent, learn how to get out of the way of herself....and become Ivry... 

And i know how Ivry became Ivry... 

"we have my nuclear tipped fascist and i, the no matter what walkawayist pacifista....a fuckin ...crusade...  because no matter whom we may have been...only....daughters....matter.."