Tuesday 11 October 2022

Non-drinking, ideally EU based, wifeish woman required.

 as sent to my marriage broker at dawn today.

In for a penny in for a Euro  - bet it will be worth the same as a pound, soon...

(i know....EU passport you could charge me many thousands of Euros....  see helpmeet post below... i am NOT English!!!! i am all of life gypsy even if marooned for reasons of putting child first, in awful UK...no longer marooned - anyway UK is going dangerous and who would want to marry some brit that voted AGAINST the Enlightenment with their filthy brexit.. i intend to be in EU a fair amount of rest of life and if your full hand in marriage is too dear, well i can stay on local campsite for 90 days off, 90 on... no big deal...and be chums.....  in fact being old and scrofulous, VERY long walks are the only way to keep even younger than i am... and i was looking recently at estimated tome for a walk all the way up the length of Africa and it is  not as long as one would assume...i fancy a few very long  - maybe 90 day, walks... unless i fall for a crip... and that's ok too....spirit is the only thing that keeps one young...not the bottled sort)

Just in case i haven't offended or terrified yet.*
I was re-pondering how to answer the what does one seek query.
Though the internet has never delivered any real and good relationship at all whatsoever (and rural people don't do 'hook ups' - i guess the older chaps scuttle over to the brothels of Cheltenham in my region) i have attempted to at times set up dating profiles etc.. Have only met in person one woman in a decade off the interweb hahh hahh (turned out quite serious mental health issues though i really did like her)
Anyway forget the internet and my enjoyment of telling stories.
Actually TOP of my list is non drinker.
Not because i am recovered alcoholic - i can, but as a single parent for years and especially living always the last 25 years 3 or 4 miles from even a village, not being able to drink and drive  gradually makes one accept teetotalism. And i am. 
and its wonderful!!
Spending an hour with an orange juice  at  a local pub charging myself up at 5pm on a monday -  yesterday, and  there being at 5pm on a Monday in an extremely small hic town over half a dozen there clearly drinking some hours, i am reminded there is 'us' ('me') and them...those who partake.
*  - i dont know if it came over or i emphasised, I am actually for a decade + a fairly well known social justice warrior for equality (gender in reality) and all pure woke principles...before the woke idiots came along and ruined it all with their shallow fascist version.
I spend a LOT of time riffing with several my age who are like me super intellectual (Thomas Bernhard greatest writer ditto Rachel Kushner - they attack all cant and vanity with great elan, alexei Sayle Peter Cook etc etc our gods..)  and we are utterly sick to death of political correctness - i write 'against' it - WITH my best two friends who are both darkies... because THEY are sick of it all ...and know that it doesnt 'work' - the radio 4 / sort of Time Ot ultra version puts people off all gay / ethnics when they seem to only ever talk about these things now...
anyway we are pure ethical peeps but just joke about it all now - i am known as VERY good...