Friday 16 September 2022

And real 'art'


which will not sound very 'nice'. But when the majority of the so called kingdom  - albeit the supposedly 'educated' and more erudite Southern and Western regions, simply became about which fancy bag you show off being seen with..

(oh hotdamn i forgot - the roaming chronicles and the wonderful Portuguese woman who wrote for me in my pad the perfect artistic interpretation of the 'art' in her hand  a year ago " for the English to see.. that has been what we say of you for centuries.. It means all is rotten inside and you only care about the decoration on the surface".)
However the 'art' in keeping my bag clean - and the money saved by what is within, is also an art that is art about beating every unseen English  fraud  ever born...even if the et born it seems just to perpetuate being seen with ever more elite cotton shopping bags 

real nature art..soon..maybe here maybe ..i dont know ...smiley is for those once thought had minds and i know i know nothing about they never tell their stories any more
sad because it is the second best 'cure' ..once you just do it every day no matter what anyone else..thinks.