Monday 21 June 2021

 So, it will still seem gobbledygook.

In fact these pages perhaps the last few months are sort of my will. It is a happy will. Unlike another Will I know. 

At last - well I was not planning anything, but now planning, maybe... maybe too late but maybe, and anyway, the story of what came next is too good not to.

Not scandal or salaciousness, simple biblical time immemorial. 

And at last i have bothered - now i do have just cause because that recording of that day is so lovely - i laughed. Especially at "you can be kidnapping consultant".

SO i have gone back into set the thing up. 'settings', layout, in Cuba they would just have one jolly good blogger template for all and no need for [her] style or fashion...

And this was in the comments setting as the auto generated message to a potential commenter:

Comment form message
I only share this blog by hand - face to face - Cubano a Cubano as they say. Any communication i would prefer via the email address on my little card. Or even better at least ear to ear via the phone.

That was the plan... but then that was about three years ago!