Sunday 21 April 2019

page 1 - Ralph the first

which is tab 1  - or should be, except it says at my end it exists but at your end it is very shy and hidden and keeps itself to itself, which I would far rather but some things maybe need to be chronicled. I know of no one else who does, honestly. And i can........ because i have spent a decade pondering what may best be said. And he would i know agree with every word.
He who is pictured at the link below which should be a 'page' appearing above this post.
Although a tad literary, I have few 'gods' but one is the writer Thomas Bernhard. In his beautiful genius 350 page rant in his seminal work Extinction (not even a paragraph break - that's writing..) he attacks the modern (writing early 1980s)habit of family and personal photography as the most vulgar and narcissistic  new phase of humanity he could imagine. Bound to end in tears. He died a few years later sadly young at 56. What would he make of nowadays..... I agree with his take on almost everything. However what lovely gifts some old photos are - especially when you need them to remember what rural should be.
bloody tech....

And remember  that before so many were branded as perhaps dangerous, some old folk gave absolutely every second of his day to nurturing a dreadful little brat his parents never bothered much with - certainly when it came to outdoor work, for no conceivable reward for himself (said parents like jealous and likely grounds for sacking one day).... except that it is timeless responsibility for the 'village' to raise a child.... he was mine.

And what did we do all day as we built walls and fences and kept the log supplies going: put the world to rights. But there is one aspect to Mr Bernhard I know for a fact had he read him that he would glow with admiration in encountering. Thommy knew because he wrote so: we must battle with our gods (or he likely wrote 'intellectual heroes'); we must duel with their version of wisdom.    That begets better joint wisdom. And it - seeking wisdom, is never ever personal. Even if the wisdom of some must from time to time be overturned with new wisdom.