Friday 7 October 2022

this will be fixed

I am the most organised person in the world.

Even in 'circumstances' anyone else in the world would find unconscionable, or miserable. I never am emiserated or unconsciomated.

And between about seven years ago and about now there are many splendid fables, parables, ponderables, and pretenders. All to be thrown up in time in as beautiful collage of vomit as i can possibly manage. But there are some things one cannot fix. The endless little gizmos that perish.... but i always have plan B. 

Redundancy. as some silly billy decides she will have me on...(anonymously of course, all that GDPR hides a surfeit of fibs and fantasists....i hope she heard me when i said "i simply never ever ever react or rise to any nonsense ever.....i cannot be hurt....nor do i ever ever take any madness or evil, to heart....").. hahh hahh hahhhhhhh


But i know one thing for certain.
THE most "communitarian" minded person for many a mile, to quote her own advertorial via Facebook and endless other lies and deceits,  face to face - the smile up from her albeit cheap sporty car,  or ear to gob  - many an hour listening to her pain...

when they make such a  song and dance about being part of a 'community' - even if I have known years the only community they are interested in is those who pay an entry price to their (figure of speech) bongo sessions...
When they are told "yes i will devote many an hour to your massive life changing legal problems, but you must quid pro quo a BIT... and i will indeed notice, to the minute... my time spent on your problems. you will find a way to reimburse with your time spent on something that will save my time in other areas of existence" its as if they were never extant.

errata in video - i never refer to anyone under 45... seems we only begin to grow up about then....assuming we have learnt to via growing a child or two ... there is no other way i know to make it so.

And when i recover from the last time ever ever ever ever 
ever ever ever
ever ever ever

assuming someone will do what they say....they said what they mean and meant what they said...

when it was imaginary words about something they dont even understand

i shall fill in the dots
and pics
and vids

These are just the very scrappiest first draft ones.

I have a child, no matter what, i and this i can swear on her life,  the stuff to fill in, if bloody thrilling....  and tremendously Montaigne. 
In fact better.
