Sunday 9 October 2022

The actual beginning

 Now i wouldn't be here if not for her.....

I cannot even see if she

Because i cannot actually se these photos, here.

Having used up all other laptop batteries ...nope not going to cult central to charge up...ever again.


this oldest one doesnt load the pixels such that they are visible to me... 

but i can put her here.

not that you will ever meet her.

I know she is here somewhere 

So, there we were... i woz..what a pretentious way of not writing, which i am not as this keyboard is so clunky and wonky even iu who can write anywhere any time...cannot for now...

July THAT year.... a few months earlier having survived simply the worst indignity any person can endure (INNOCENT !! - nothing to do with as Hanning of  The Independent i had known well for years had heard first..) 

"so what on earth now...ohhh lets go to the dullest little fayre of fat  dull incomers ever all hinking if they wear their Duberry BOOTS MID SUMMER SOMEONE MAY MISTAKE THEM FOR A REAL COUNTRY LASS>>>(accidental cap no time to uncap ... i dont want to be doing this but some stories are too valuable to not tell) for something to do.."

sat fairly miserably an hour watching the waddlers..

And hark, what is THAT...

i don't need a picture anyway that would have been a little stalky i guess...

On the bouncy castle...a couple of nippers a bouncin...

and i saw a pair of arms. 

Unshirted..bare... her body bent down to scoop one of her little bouncers up...

And then i saw her, arms...

The sinews. More beautiful than any Leonardo anatomical. More radiant than Homer's fancypants Helen..

Before i had even glimpsed her....face...


" oh fuck... i didn't know years what a wanted really...  really... all that find a wife flirtiness, not me.... and her in the last place in the universe one expects to see Helen in the flesh and know how Ulysses felt... that i never knew what i wanted is what i want, and need.."

(a real country girl dotcom...later we would ascertain from lugging hay bales around half the day...).. but she didn't need to look up, and look just like Helen (or is Aphrodite more of a perfect ten), i already knew. Just from real human arms...

Anyway we better fast forward for now to the same unforgettable day...

And then just a few weeks later, powered on by Missus sinew arms...

I mean when you have discovered that there is a real one left...

Well.... you do indeed belying the wellness women, set off on an old sit up and beg on the "red alert hottest day of the year" radio fourskin ... (Mav and i obsessed with them being obsessed by skintone....ehh i thought we moved on from that 40 years ago...

when her and i went on peacemarches

not even a small bottle of water to 'hydrate' oneself for the whole hundred mile cycle ride through Snowdonia...

And even up THAT pass....she meets me atop

not seen since the day lennon was shot and i had to run away from this side of the world i was so in luv with err...

 turns out she was a fake too...sadly...i mean talk about the most  romantic and anticipated (1 year of facebook waffle....but there is MINDFULNESS!!! girlies.... only brought too her by the fake mindfulness wimmin who didnt understand a year earlier you either vote for the man WITH an allotmentor the cunt who shoots foxes and deer for middle ground... they cannot ever ever 'get'.. they think the fairies will sort it all out for them despite my 3000 miles cycling round their houses to ask them nicely to try and at least strategically vote for an allotment...  nope... brought me her (story to come)

lots of these get in my photos hahh hahh....skins!

And then same month ....July into August 2018.... we have all sorts of other frauds..many i have tolerated years... nicely.

real bunny huggers let the flowers grow always (no matter what the roundup loving landlords may threaten) 

thief..i aint perfect

he certainly isnt

a LOT about his brethren soon... your brexit allowed all his mates golden visas....and to buy 'our' land...