Wednesday 19 October 2022

At last we have 'democracy' after 3 paradise years

 defined by a range if things.

But summed up in the two, not one two, wonderful dialogues yesterday with old burghers of te female variety - one my genuinely enjoyed new buddies, her boss of 25 sky fairy temples, he an affirmed outward 'atheist', the second a several decades primary political candidate for the most 'orrid conformist anodyne daren't-say-b--to-a-goose  large Marches constituency, which ALL became some awful  version of them thinking only fossilised Teletubbies,  average age: avaricious only self interested aged retiree out here from the cities, pretending to be nice, when they only got here via avaricious tactics  - the main way one gets the £300k buy in...

To them both, discussing the fact UK is a world wide joke, and local councils are in effect fascist: " oh you mean the avaricious old bag paid about a million council houses and a thousand youth clubs for seventy years not to have opinions............... when there are no youth clubs or council houses in any of the Marches towns my way..i roam for years and find out the truth of...  your congregants/constituents  lie about being some new fuckin paradise on earth..."

And two old bags smile and ring the same bells aqs me l; front of witnesses too! ...or in the case of the one smiling on the phone... you can tell when someone is a new TRUE companera.. (with the squiggle but as i do real politique all day i have no time for such niceties just at the mo...)