Tuesday 13 September 2022

Time to put a hat on..for a bit



though the right rhythm is essential

somewhere between 

the most perfect perfect  sequence of cinema ever, even if ALL his ladies have things DONE to them...usual Italian sexist piggery

All the last eight minutes where it goes from the Beatitudes into  the last one...

Add in some Tape Parade... sublime

And of course who cares who did what in the damn film all that matters is the overall spirit...impression, left, forever...

"Blahh blahh blahh.."

hahh hahhh hahhh...


All i know is that largely all summer I have been breathless sucking up to these damn people pleasers, who are simply sick. Now that is theior problem,but it is reality too.

Reality means after long due consideration I shall not orchestrate the greatest water quality protecting (ehhh improving) project i have ever heard of by far due Lucy.. I Heard..her sincerity. Especially afterwards when i inted i had taped the whole damn 90 minutes her to me face to face...

And should she NOT carry through her intent..I shall make sure no libdem aver gets near the Parade again..


that was then,. The definition of the best possible way to live is that two months ao seems like two years ago. So much... the nett effect sadly is not the thing. But living is to have had two months, on top of two years in the run up, which feel like they were starting twenty ears ago so much has happened. And i go nowhere...

Not for want of trying.

But before i suspend this and rewrite one day the version with a fair few dots joined. As long as they are  old enough to know better, one smallest last spurt here. Spurting is good especially when i not only set in motion truly hard work river saving opeations, i also make sure there is time to

what is life if full of care i have no time to sit and stare....at so much beauty

In their contorted heads which can never ever ever mean what they say. And some pretty views.

I am tonight in the writing mood. SO off we go..lets do it...

Each day too many things happen despite being an avowed hermit as i know not one ever said what she means and meant it...

But this really does sum it ALL up...

even if i have about 100 other images awaiting their turn which do the same, too

so lets do two..
well not really, simply theme park nonsense as i know no one for years who has not derided me for the extremely efficient trimmin of bushes and verges if one must scythe against strimmer...

sory even the 300 quid ones break down so often that by the time Mr Bullneck (they all seem to be with these days as if Grant from East Ender sinfected all their choices...oh i forgot they did..) has got his going and starts making his noise to stress him and the neighbours and the wildlife .. I have toodled off on my old bike to the next bit of scything..

Now thats all very lahh did dahh blahh blahh blahh
but if there is one thing that sums up the way ex city fat dilettantes who pretend to be earth mothers
are so so full of acedia
it is this

 All posts of late to be detypod - rerit... made slightly sense making...soon

in fact in a bit