Monday 18 July 2022

anti heat creme de la creme

other pages, bits of film on the region.... i had a chest infection a few months and unlike the rest of the populous couldn't give a shit, didn't waste the doctor's time,  just battled on letting nature take her course...however i didn't realise my camera microphone was so weirdly sensitive and makes me sound like a heavy breathing perv rather excitedly heavy breathing at all the sheep around. Back to normal sweet breathing now....

 I simply do not understand

(the 'British' or anyone else as 'we' have plenty of immos..I do not consider myself British even if i recognise no border or name tag - there are only peoples...)

Huge open common. Only 2 miles from a small town of 2 or 3,000. High up - lovely cool breezes. But a passable road is only 100 yards away.

Now...for years I have known it to be the weirdly best place for sunsets and rises. And in my own world of making bits and bobs of film sometimes (about rural stuff - the TRUE versions), and writing long diatribes, fast, the mobile mast being in line of site, only a mile away, best speeds online ever, by far (laptop through mobile phone 'portable tethering hotspot)      

Anyway ... spending a 48 hr stretch here as on a  writing 'roll' - my my some good stuff...on forgiveness, the true version....  

Yesterday hot,  hotspots all around.... not here as anyone knowing the area knows - fab cool breeze all day.

But all day, except for the old retired framer lady walks her dog at 8am .. not one single soul. Quite extraordinary...  

silver lining to the firm knowledge: seems 99% are weirdly terrified of the outdoors these days  (and thus pity those in Britain in five or ten years as being it is the key to 'mental health'   ergo the country with by far the largest mental health issue numbers  in EU - by many factors.....gonna get a LOT sicker...

silver lining:undisturbed, it is paradise.