Sunday 29 May 2022

Just doodling


The dream...

never forget in here last night.

To be continued.

Meanwhile back in the land of reality.

So, nearly seven years ago Ralph was born. This one. In memory of the old one who taught me all i know. Well, some of it... that which matters.

"lad......if you gonna do the job, do it properly...." 
To which one should add "no matter what the rest of them are up to over there.."

Now, this is hard to communicate simply. It needs a  book. But I have about 5 others in a queue maybe one day I shall get to.

After that summer of 2016 I began to privately adopt for myself my far preferred name of Ralph.  

I do things partially symbolically. And the rural worker yeoman in me - one third of the time. Needed to have the rightful name. But there is more....

'Art'.... I explored artists too. And what is extraordinary is how artists of rural places  painted a dream; a false picture of a theme park. -Almost all incomers from cities pretending they were always some sweet homespun person, when the reality is that many will have been utter Thatcherite red in tooth and claw selfish marketeers so they could afford their extremely expensive rural getaway 

That is their right, and their business  -  even if most find they cannot make good business selling the theme park though they oh my do they is rather trying...

The "institution" in question....

well they cannot ;leave behind the bottle of peroxide or hairdresser habit, never mind get their nails..... 

But that is for the Miss Oh Jenny types who point the finger with the cracked nails....

Me i can see mutton dressed as lamb from the other end of the high street...

and lament, not for me, for them...

So sevenish years ago i started on my roamings to speak with people on the hill. That was the plan...

As Ralph. 

What is spoken of on the hills usually is more 'real' and they would get my adage "what is said on the hill stays on the hill.."

And then we had three and a half more years of Imperial measures .... and bring back our wonky carrots. 

Never mind what a glorious start to a new era March 2020. 

Too much, when nothing actually happened in seven years.

All i know is what we do not  see is often more important than what we do. On one person's Facebook wall i did not see any 'news'. 

And in the pictures below one does not see anyone else........helping.

And if I can i need to weave that into actual real art about a reality in a real region. in fact although i may mainly roam one particular region i expect it is the same in other similar regions....which make up the majority of this isle.

Four or five times in the intervening seven years i have had jobs in the most glorious sublime paradise places where it would be very useful to have company, for cash, who may at least help holding up a post that needs concreting in. But i know the reality. I may well be an effete creep who so dislikes football and other manly things and cars, and machines, pornography and things men may talk about, and this prefer the company of the fairer sex, but i have a splendid scientific mind. All science says women, who officially have 90% of the bodily strength of a mere man, also benefit from healthy outdoor activity never mind it rather benefiting the 'mental health'....

But can one find just one who may for cash come and do a lovely days work outdoors, in one or other true paradise.... a little company and occasional bit of much needed other pair of hands....

And this, never mind not having the time to salvage all reusable materials for economic reasons, all sorts of as[pects or rural life, ended. The era ended. It is over....

Just like that other era in 2016.

But what amuses me is how the so called 'artists' are so terrified of this 'truth' they can never even refer ...

so i knew some years ago, that i have a role. A job. A duty. To paint the real picture even if I am better at weaving things into a form of rappish poetry.

But my form of 'rap' - better to say just 'riffing' in the creative 'zone' has as canvas in the backdrop all of culture from must be Ivry! doing the Bruch in G...

to a bit o cheerful  Joy....which always makes me think of the marriage breaker that lovely Annik La Sprout....

Anyway art

except i went and started doodling not for anyone else only me
(ok maybe her just a tad)

On about five different weblog sites and now i gone and lost track

But they are all about the same one thing - one theme....

And yesterday at last.

And their Apocalypse.

You see a man, yes i know a 'mere' man....

Well when we have paradises to share or just a decent wage to share with a woman who SAYS she likes top be outdoors...
or even live there...

Or care about conserving it - that outdoors....

Well one has to communicate: suggestions, possibilities, things to have fellowship about.... 

But the absolutely apocalyptic disaster that so called 'digital communication' inculcated

even if we cannot blame 'it' because the tool is neutral, its the one using the ferkin obfuscate assume, imagine.... 

Their problem i know the rules of man and woman but ... also know the rules of polite communication "not for now thanks if i change my mind i shall be back in touch"

The absolute apocalypse of time wasting (mine)...
At least ten years. Twelve and a half in fact.

The definition of "winning the war after losing every battle":
the tears dribbling down the cheek yesteraft sat in the sun in the quiet car park of the cemetery out in the middle of nowhere... waiting to hear maybe from the 'neutral' lady...i know when someone is sick of their twenty years of sharing the same high wire...

" gosh all this lovely free time in the warm sun..... maybe...
yes i never typed him into Youtube.... no idea what he even looks like..
never had the time what with all their time wasting and false promises and virtue signalling and people pleasing bullshit...
lets see is he here.... whoever he was he did one of the truly top five great songs ..... i cannot help being happy when i hear..."

and my oh my tears down the cheeks

there is a even a live version

happiness is paradise regained and postponed for jolly good ethical reasons.... but the longest wait is the most poignant  reconciliation

Anyway i am going to doodle. 
elsewhere. In the smiley one.
Because now i can smile.

But have to use the video channel here 
So will.
Nothing matters any more - who one is or says one is, or would ;like to say one is. Nothing matters....

Only just a little of the real truth, as long as it never really got one down... 

Draft quick videos one day i shall edit into something about only NOW and how it was impossible that i found my new better to hill to walk... even if now i have i need to be elsewhere. Soon

My quarry


I sit and watch for hours the lambs




the tool

reusing staples


The valley around



at ;last.....


my new hill

top of hill