Monday 24 May 2021

 health warning - not mine mine is always tip top...and i have the tests to prove it espwecially the 'mental health' one - oh how wonderful a decade back some sad woman thought she was a writer thought she could lie and deceive me... they all default to last recourse is alledge mental health issues... nothing better than having several experts attest categorically totally sane - i could have sued! noh grown ups dont theyu just write poems about the lost and lonely and frauds......and safe... as 7 or 8 women i spent a lot of the last year helping them and their children learn new things  - unpaid, no health and safety and so so so many laughs and smiles and new friends... real ones..... also will attest... 

yes health wartning ehh i have about four website thingies for various difgerent cauases/projects though i only enjoy true liminal creative writing - i never stop for a secons even to think i open screen up and just wrote nonstop no time to think just see if the muse and her monkey are on duty today so blame her ! for illegibility... but the srious side is i have 4 causes to write poetically about and none can meet each othjer - online that is... and i have to remeber all the fun bits to add in here and there and in which one or other or which may apply to several... and i hate writing in summer as i go outdoors whenever the sun is shiniong always so that limits screen time....and thuis i will drive anyone mad who tries to follow any of them i guess. SO i am just really saying "Hi i value you" maybe ...cos i only will invite a few individuial specific people i do feel i may value just possibly to any one page...

andf domt make me viral i wont know as its NOT important -mthe very best thing for creative writing i long ago doscovered is if absolutely NO ONE EVER GETS you or what you write...

a real lahdidah BAFTA nom film directorice mother of children, responsible societal campaigner sort of ally,  Londo litteratti... i knew accidentally once did say "man you are the new  Kerouac  - your rhythm and poetical bravery and attacks are alive!! i can feel your truth and your simple lament for all their foibles bless em you live a world of never harm just accept and invite,,,invite them to be better.. poetically challenge...even her....". ten yeas i wrote something then that went to 2 million words... and it is the worst thing in ten years to have happened - you do NOT want in any way to be even slightly valued even if yopu know you make total sense....cos that justb steals from the energy - that is not 'response' though i often term it so - no it is just poetical-despite... them...

Its just me and my god.... i know it's for her alone...

You are just clickbait..