Tuesday 29 September 2020

Years...upon years....(in his somewhat confected accent)

 .... her confectionary, well..... sad that one slipped the next.

My street corner too!

And so to biz, but what metaphor shall we use?

Within the log that it is intent no one reads.

I suppose that at my fingertips.

The 'other' free one, she has her issues too;

different. As they all do.

This one ok if the way she lets me touch her holds out, and works.

And making their differences part of it  was part of it, but then good old Honour, ehh?

Those buttons I shall have to remember that line.

I remember so much.

But all that matters and is left is, buggerit, feeling let us at least put a plus after it.


Oh the joy of 'ctrl - i' 

Yes I have done this before.


I wonder if

that little booster will work. 

And remember the facts: him and her. Equals.

But shall i tell her; the whole story?

In a just universe she does deserve it. Because,

even if thirty years back into time. She was her equal. And still is I hear, courtesy of her.

And in fact no hard feelings in fact whatever the opposite of 'no axe to grind' is, hahh hahh because she took me back to Les fleurs.... in gorgeous full analogue every dust speck lovingly fallen in just the right place and stuck in asspick.... and his "twenty years", each smell and grimace makes sense.....   

And in fact it does;

Maybe last time so long ago, it had the wrong bit stuck in t'other end of where it belonged.....naturally.