Wednesday 17 April 2019

A work in progress (not too noisy yet)

This Ralph chronicles a little and chooses the words carefully. For example 'chronicles' is a word that perhaps is less threatening to people than diarising or even 'blogging'.
I reflect and chronicle- perhaps for a future generation, on what peoples opinions are on being in rural places. Maybe the more real ones that get in the tourist  or standard travel writing (which has been my staple for many years). I do not chronicle any particular location or region except in terms of incongruities (I like).
For six years I have mainly wandered one particular small region including a hilly section.  It is being fiddled with just lately. This is so common everywhere nowadays. But what inspires me is when i encounter people who at least state some scepticism in so called 'management' practices in wildish places which may be better left alone. Especially at this time of the year when many species are engaged quite rightly with getting it on so as to further their existence. Every noisy machine disturbs their focus on the best catch on the hill. Etc.
Thus far i have only actually met one human splendid incongruity who honestly describes - face to face,  it best to maybe leave things alone and certainly not burn so called 'waste' wood. Well, one is a start. The only real 'story' is how i have only met one. Having sought others for years. Everyone else peddles a version that seems to be off a Thatcherite must-manage course.

And just when one is ready to jot a little, technology of course goes and has a hiccup fit and delays my planned few weeks ago start to write up properly.
To be continued, or indeed yet to begin.